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Top travel agencies in Noida

Noida is a bustling urban hub within the National Capital Region (NCR), thriving as an eminent business centre. With its diverse aggregation of companies and industries the city oozes a dynamic corporate environment. However Noida’s relationship with the real estate market stands out. Explored is how the presence of these companies leaves an enduring mark on Noida’s real estate landscape.

See also: Leading event management companies in Noida


Business landscape in Noida

Noida’s economic tapestry is woven with various sectors and industries. Noida’s economic tapestry weaves together various sectors including information technology, automotive manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, financial services and agriculture. This diversity not only provides stability to the economic ecosystem but also helps attract both local and foreign investments and firmly establishes Noida as a thriving business hub in the region.

Read also: Top garment manufacturers in Noida


Top travel agencies in Noida


Explore all Ways

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 18, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

Founded in: 2020


Explore all Ways is a premier travel agency based in Sector 18, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. It was established in 2020 and has been dedicated to curating unique travel experiences for their clients. Their seasoned team of experts specializes in designing bespoke travel solutions to cater to diverse travel needs and thus ensuring memorable journeys for all.


Welcoming Asia

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Sub-Industry: Inbound Travel

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201307

Founded in: 2010


Welcoming Asia is situated in Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh and has been a prominent player in inbound travel since its establishment in 2010. They excel in tourism services and are renowned for showcasing India’s rich cultural heritage to travellers worldwide. Their impressive portfolio of projects reflects their unwavering commitment to promoting India as a popular tourist destination.


Travel Suttra

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 18, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

Founded in: 2016


Travel Suttra is located in Sector 18, Noida, Uttar Pradesh and has been a key player in the travel industry since its inception in 2016. They are experts in crafting tailored travel itineraries ensuring that each journey matches the distinct preferences of every traveler. Their meticulous attention to detail and creative approach have firmly established them as leaders in the field.


Tourist Galleria India

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh

Founded in: 2023


Tourist Galleria India is situated in Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh and has been organizing engaging travel experiences since 2023. They have successfully executed projects that immerse travelers in India’s vibrant culture and diverse landscapes and make their journeys unforgettable.


DreamMyTrip Tourism India Pvt. Ltd.

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Company Type: Private 

Location: Sector 16A, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

Founded in: 2021


DreamMyTrip Tourism India is located in Sector 16A, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, has been a prominent figure in the travel industry since 2021. They offer comprehensive travel solutions and boast an impressive track record of managing large-scale projects for both corporate and leisure travelers.


Rachna Aviation Service

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Sub Industry: Aviation Services

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

Founded in: 2011


Rachna Aviation Service specialises in aviation-related travel services and operates from Sector 2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh since its establishment in 2011. Their strong portfolio includes projects involving air travel arrangements for individuals and businesses ensuring seamless journeys.


TravSwag Holidays

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201309

Founding Date: 2013


TravSwag Holidays is headquartered in Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh and has been known for crafting memorable holidays since 2013. Their projects encompass creating custom travel packages that cater to various preferences and budgets ensuring unique and enjoyable vacations for their clients.


Bhartiya Airways

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Sub-Industry: Aviation Services

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 6, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

Founded in: 2014


Bhartiya Airways has been specialising in aviation services and operates from Sector 6, Noida, Uttar Pradesh and has been offering complete solutions for air travel needs since 2014. Their projects cover a wide range of services in the aviation sector ensuring efficient and hassle-free air travel.


Chauhan Tour and Travels

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 27, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

Founded in: 2014


Chauhan Tour and Travels is located in Sector 27, Noida, Uttar Pradesh has been recognised for its expertise in domestic and international travel arrangements since 2014. They have successfully managed projects catering to both leisure and business travelers and offering a wide range of travel services.


My Dream Voyage

Industry: Travel and Tourism

Company Type: Travel Agency

Location: Sector 18, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

Founded in: 2023


My Dream Voyage, specialising in crafting dream vacations, is situated in Sector 18, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, and has been serving travelers since 2023. Their projects are a testament to their dedication to creating exceptional travel experiences, ensuring that every journey is extraordinary.


Commercial real estate demand in Noida

In Noida, the demand for commercial real estate for travel agencies encompasses various facets:


Office Space: Travel agencies in Noida often require well-equipped office spaces to manage their operations efficiently. This has led to a consistent demand for office spaces in key commercial areas across the city. Areas like Sector 18 and 62 have witnessed significant demand amongst travel agencies for setting up their offices, further driving the demand for office spaces in these localities.


Rental Property: The influx of professionals employed by travel agencies has also spurred the demand for rental properties in Noida. Employees from different parts of the country often seek accommodation near their workplaces, driving the demand for residential rental properties. Additionally, travel agencies may require storage spaces or warehouses for their equipment and materials, contributing to the demand for commercial rental properties.


Impact: The demand for commercial real estate by travel agencies has provided opportunities for property developers and contributed to the overall economic ecosystem in Noida. It has led to the growth of ancillary businesses like property management services and real estate agencies, further boosting the local economy. Additionally, the presence of these travel agencies in various commercial areas has increased footfall, benefiting local businesses such as restaurants, cafes, and convenience stores.


Impact of travel agencies in Noida

The travel agencies in Noida have reinforced the city’s corporate scene and made tangible contributions to its overall economic prosperity. Their presence is a catalyst for boosting tourism and hospitality, drawing both tourists and business travelers to the region. Furthermore, these agencies generate employment, stimulate growth of local businesses, and elevate Noida’s status as a sought-after travel destination.



Are there travel agencies in Noida that specialize in adventure tourism?

Yes, some travel agencies in Noida offer adventure tourism packages catering to thrill-seekers.

Are there any travel agencies in Noida that focus on sustainable and eco-friendly travel?

Yes, some travel agencies in Noida prioritise sustainable and eco-friendly travel options for environmentally conscious travelers.

What unique cultural experiences can you expect from travel agencies in Noida?

Noida's travel agencies often organize cultural experiences such as heritage tours, culinary explorations, and traditional art showcases.

How do travel agencies in Noida handle emergencies during trips?

Most travel agencies in Noida have contingency plans and 24/7 support to address emergencies during trips.

Can I find travel agencies in Noida specializing in international tours?

Many travel agencies in Noida organize international tours to a wide range of destinations.

Do Noida's travel agencies offer personalized travel itineraries?

Several travel agencies in Noida specialize in crafting custom travel itineraries to cater to individual preferences.

Are there travel agencies in Noida that focus on medical tourism?

Some travel agencies in Noida offer services which are targeted towards medical tourists, including accommodation near medical facilities.

What is the best time to visit Noida for a memorable travel experience?

Noida offers congenial weather and exciting events year-round, making it a great destination for travel at any time.

How do I choose the right travel agency in Noida for my trip?

To select the right travel agency, you need to remember your travel preferences, budget and the agency's specialization to ensure a personalized experience.

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