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Paint Design For Home: Creative ideas for Living Room

7 Trending wall paint designs that will transform your home

Modern homes are proof that people enjoy colours, and there are plenty of reasons to back that up! Splashing a lick of paint on your home’s walls is the quickest, easiest, and cheapest method to freshen and enhance your home’s interiors. 

Wall painting ideas

 The following is a list of the most exciting wall paint design trends for the year 2023. Keep your brushes ready!

Wall painting ideas by room type

Wall painting for living room

Source: Pinterest

Regardless of how much we adore bold and vivid colours, pastel tints are timeless. Choose a soft colour for your walls, such as lavender, to make your space feel more comfortable and friendly. Match this light tint with soft furnishings to see the difference. 

Wall painting designs for bedroom

Source: Pinterest

Use neutral shades with matching colour prints on them that are all coordinated.

Source: Pinterest

Matching the soft green with baby yellow makes for a calm bedroom decor.

Wall painting for the dining room

Source: Pinterest

You can use a combination of colours like the pink and white to add that spice in your dining room.

Source: Pinterest

Also, if you have dark wood flooring, you may consider a dark grey paint that can be clubbed with beautiful crystal lightings.

Wall painting for kitchen

Source: Pinterest

Red colour is the colour of fire and suits well for kitchen.


Should you use different colors in different rooms or keep them consistent?

This depends on your personal preference and the overall style of your home. Keeping it consistent is a safe option and using different colours in the room calls for experimenting.

How can I use color to make a small room look larger?

Use of light, neutral colors on the walls and floors can help make a small room feel larger and more spacious.


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