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What is a void contract?

What is a void contract?

If you are entering into any kind of contract, you need to fully understand every detail related to it. This includes knowing the different types of contracts so that you are armed well when you take the legal route.


What is a void contract?

Contracts that do not have legal angle, making them weak and unacceptable in courts are void contracts. They cannot be enforced. A void contract is mentioned as unenforceable under Section 2(g) of the Indian Contract Act.


When does a contract become void?


What are the types of void contracts?

See also: All about unilateral contract


How can you avoid void contracts?



What is a void contract?

A contract that cannot be enforced in the court of law is a void contract.

What are the reasons for a void contract?

Illegal activities, disagreement between the two parties, mutual mistakes, etc., are a few reasons for a void contract.

Can a void contract be made valid?

No, a void contract cannot be made valid.

How does incapacity make the contract void?

If people who are incapable enter into an agreement, such as minors, or people with no sound mind, then the contract is void.

How does a contract that violates public policy become void?

Contracts that defy public policy or immoral in nature are void contracts.

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