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Voter ID: Meaning, how to apply, mistakes to avoid, and benefits

India stands as the biggest democratic system in the world, and voting is an essential aspect of our democracy. Voting is the fundamental right of every citizen born in India. The voting process in India has different stages. It ranges from small-level elections such as Panchayat to the national level. Are you a first-time voter? Do you want to apply for a Voter ID for anyone in your family? This article guides you on the Voter ID registration process.


What is a voter ID? 

A voter ID is an identity proof issued to Indian citizens who are eligible to vote. It is also called the Elector Photo Identity Card or the EPIC card. The voter ID is given to people eligible for voting by the Election Commission of India. The authorities who manage the election process in India issue the voter ID. It is given to the qualified voters in India to stop malpractices and fraudulent voting. The other reason for issuing the voter ID is to match the country’s electoral roll. The Voter ID is a strong identification proof in India that can be used anywhere, anytime. It helps the people to use their right to vote in the correct way. 


Fields in the voter ID card


Eligibility criteria


Required documents 

Address proofs

Age proof


Voter ID forms

Forms Description
Form 6 For first time voters.
Form 7 Object an application for inclusion on electoral roll
Form 8 Correction of details on an existing User ID. 
Form 8-A Changing address within the same constituency. 


Step by step procedure to apply for a voter ID card online

You can apply for a voter ID online from the comfort of your home. It saves time and brings transparency to India’s electoral system.


What happens after the registration process?


How to search for your name in Voter ID online?


How to track the application status online?


Ways to check your name in the voter ID list 


Common Mistakes to avoid during Voter ID registration


Voter ID benefits  



What kind of voting system is used in India?

Electronic voting system is used in India.

What are the different voting systems in India?

Past the post voting, block voting, two-round system, proportional representation and ranked voting.

What is the duration of the election period in India?

The duration of the election period in India is two weeks.

What are the three different categories of applicants in India?

General Resident, NRI Electors and Service Electors.

What does EPIC stand for?

EPIC stands for Electoral Photo Identity Card.

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