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What is Hakku Patra?

What is Hakku Patra?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the Malkhed village of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka, on January 19, 2023, where he distributed hakku patras to the over 5,000 eligible beneficiaries of these newly declared revenue villages. That makes one wonder what exactly a Hakku Patra is.

Hakku Patra: Title deed or occupancy certificate?

White the term can be loosely translated to a document showing occupancy, Hakku Patra is often translated as a title deed as well as an occupancy certificate. However, depending on the circumstances in which this document is issued, Hakku Patra is primarily an occupancy certificate that eventually acts as the title deed of a property.


How so?

In Karnataka, for instance, the Hakku Patra is issued to people from underprivileged sections of the society, such as the poor and slum-dwellers, under the Ambedkar Rural Housing Scheme. The state government basically allocated government land to provide housing to the poor and marginalised. This arrangement is then legalised by way of issuing Hakku Patras for the title.

Note here that beneficiaries are asked to meet certain conditions to get Hakku Patras. Homes built on such land cannot be used for any investment purposes nor sold or rented. They are always registered in the name of the women members of the family free of cost.

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