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What is Kuber Vastu?

Kuber Vastu is the ancient Indian science of architecture and design aimed at promoting financial prosperity by organising spaces in an optimal way. The main goal of Kuber Vastu is to enhance the flow of positive energy that attracts wealth and abundance. This is achieved by carefully considering the layout, placement of objects, and overall spatial harmony in a home or business. When applied correctly, Kuber Vastu principles can bring good fortune, success, and prosperity. In this article, we will examine why Kuber Vastu is important, optimal placement of various items, things to avoid, preferred directions, relevant objects, and other dos and don’ts for inviting wealth energy.


See also: Vastu tips and remedies to promote good health


Why is Kuber Vastu important?

Kuber Vastu is based on the philosophy that our physical surroundings have the power to uplift or suppress our lives. Just as we strive to nourish our minds and bodies, nurturing our spaces can unlock fortune and success. Since finances play a huge role in life, Kuber Vastu offers guidelines on channelling wealth energy through intentional design. Applying these principles creates spaces that vibrate at an abundant frequency. It helps attract resources, fresh opportunities, and prosperity. When our environment resonates with positivity, luck and good fortune naturally follow. Beyond material wealth, Kuber Vastu also promotes spiritual and emotional abundance. 


Positioning recommendations to boost financial energy




Focus on cardinal directions  


Objects that enhance wealth energy


Kuber Vastu dos and don’ts



Kuber Vastu offers timeless wisdom on arranging spaces to promote prosperity and abundance. While ancient, its core principles remain relevant for modern lives and spaces. Applying Kuber Vastu guidelines in harmony with our personal energy can steadily attract wealth, resources, and good fortune. With some attention and minor adjustments, our homes and offices can resonate at life-affirming frequencies and become conduits for peace, success and prosperity.



Does Kuber Vastu only work for businesses or homes too?

Kuber Vastu works equally well for homes and businesses to enhance overall prosperity.

Can it be used to improve finances and other aspects too?

Yes, it promotes overall abundance - financial, emotional, spiritual, relationships etc.

Do remedies have to be customised for each home?

While customisation is ideal, there are common guidelines that generally apply in all spaces.

What is the best direction to sleep and place the head as per Vastu?

Sleeping with head in the south is considered most auspicious. Avoid north or west.

What is the main entrance door direction per Vastu?

The main door of homes/businesses should ideally be in north, east or north-east zones.

Do Kuber Vastu principles apply equally for apartments?

Core guidelines remain but may need adaptation for apartments or constrained spaces.

Can items like tanks and safes be placed in basements too?

Items may be placed in basements but avoid under the ground in northeast or north zones.


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