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Convert Dismil to Square Feet

One Dismil is equal to 435.5637788 Sq Ft
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About Dismil

Dismil is a unit of area measurement commonly used particularly in India. It is often employed in the context of real estate transactions, land measurement, and property valuation. The measuring unit dismil is primarily used in the states of West Bengal, Bihar, and Jharkhand. The exact size of a dismil can vary slightly from one region to another, but it is generally understood to be one-tenth of a standard bigha. It is not a globally accepted unit. Dismil is commonly used in real estate transactions and land measurement, particularly for smaller land areas. It is a convenient unit for expressing the size of residential plots or agricultural land.

Conversion of a dismil into other units

Converting dismil into any other measuring unit is easy and requires simple mathematical calculations. As dismil is a regional unit of India, it can be converted into sq. ft., cent, bigha, katha, murabba, biswa, guntha, and gajam. The calculation process can be done easily using the calculator.

Unit of areaConversion units
1 डेसिमल435.6 sq. ft.
1 डेसिमल0.31 काथा
1 डेसिमल0.016 बीघा
1 डेसिमल48.4 गज
1 डेसिमल0.32 बिस्वा
1 डेसिमल1 सेंट
1 डेसिमल1 डेसिमल
1 डेसिमल6.4 लेसा
1 डेसिमल1.6 मरला
1 डेसिमल0.39 गुंठा

सबसे लोकप्रिय रियल एस्टेट कैलक्यूलेटर

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न

भारत में सबसे आम भूमि माप इकाइयाँ कौन सी हैं?

Hectares, एकड़, square meters और वर्ग गज भारत भर में उपयोग की जाने वाली कुछ सामान्य भूमि माप इकाइयाँ हैं। जबकि बीघा और मरला आमतौर पर उत्तर में उपयोग किए जाते हैं, सेंट, गुंठा और ग्राउंड जैसे शब्द दक्षिण के हैं। इकाइयों के नाम के आधार पर, उनके आकार भी राज्य से अलग-अलग होते हैं।

How much is Dismil in Square Feet terms?

One Dismil is equal to 435.56377880000002278393 Square Feet.

How much is Square Feet in Dismil terms?

One Square Feet is equal to 0.00229587502146080639 Dismil. Click यहां क्लिक करें।
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