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Capsicum Plant: How To Grow It Indoors & Take Care Of It?

Capsicum plant: How to grow and care for Capsicum annum

The Capsicum plant is one of the most frequently produced crops in the world, used in everything from the colourful pizza toppings of Italian cuisine to the flavorful chilli-chicken of Chinese cuisine. 

The Capsicum plant, while a single species, comes in many forms and hues, including red, yellow, green, purple, and even black! In addition to being used as spices and veggies, the Capsicum plant has also been included in pharmaceuticals due to its exceptional health advantages.

See also: Exotic vegetables to grow indoors


Source: Pinterest


Capsicum plant: Key facts

Common name Capsicum, bell pepper
Botanical name Capsicum annum
Family  Solanaceae 
Height  Up to 1 metre
Water  Moderate
Sunlight  Full
Flower colour  White


What you need to know about capsicum plants?

It is possible for capsicum plants to endure more than one season and mature into a huge shrubby perennial herb if there are no frosts throughout the winter. The single flowers can range in colour from off-white to a purplish hue, and the stem can grow to a height of up to 60 centimetres (24 inches) in length. 

When mature, the fruits are peppers that might have a green, yellow, orange, or red colouration. Even though the species can thrive in a wide range of frost-free areas, C. annuum produces the greatest fruit when grown in hot, arid regions.


Capsicum plant: How to grow from seeds?

Capsicum plants need a lot of sunlight, so pick a nice, sunny area to put them in. This plant needs full sun in order to thrive. Capsicum plants require a climate that is neither too hot nor too cold to thrive. You should select a location that has some shade and some sun. Get a pot, watering can, potting soil, heritage capsicum seeds, and a trowel, and you’re ready to plant your peppers. 

If you use high-quality potting soil, your plant will thrive. Vermicompost, cocopeat, and sand in equal amounts can be used. Fill the container with the potting soil, then lightly scratch the surface with your fingers before scattering the seeds. Put a little layer of dirt over these seeds. Add a light mist of water to the top to keep the soil moist. Avoid waterlogging, but don’t let the soil dry out, either. 

Either place the seeds straight into the soil or germinate them indoors before transferring the seedlings (approximately 10 to 15 cm tall plants) outside. Prior to transplanting the Capsicum seedlings, amend the soil with compost, manure, compost tea, or Panchagavya. Plant the seedlings around 30 cm apart. 


Capsicum plant: Propagation

You can easily grow capsicum plants from seeds obtained from a healthy harvest. However, it’s essential to remember that the seeds from hybrid varieties cannot be used for propagation. Alternatively, capsicum plants can also be propagated through stem cuttings. All you need to do is gather some healthy stems and remove any flowers or leaves before planting them in pots filled with compost. Cover the pot with plastic and place it in a warm and sunny location for two weeks. Once the first true leaf appears, remove the plastic and transplant it to your garden. 


Capsicum plant: Care tips

Here are some tips to maintain capsicum plants in your home garden.

Capsicum plant: Watering requirement

Watering is the most difficult step. Capsicums require a lot of water, but that does not imply they should be submerged! The soil must always be damp. In addition, remember not to water the vegetation. The result will be a fungal infection. It is a good practice to water the plant’s base. Never allow the soil to become dry.

Capsicum plant: Pruning requirement

It is always a good idea to pinch the plant’s growing tips. This will promote bushier plant growth. Capsicum does not require pruning, but it can be performed if desired.

Capsicum plant: How to harvest?

Capsicum plants that have been properly cared for will begin to produce fruit in as little as two months. When your capsicums reach the size of a tennis ball, and the skin becomes smooth and glossy, it is time to begin harvesting them. If you pick them before they are entirely ripe, they will continue to ripen as long as you keep them in a sunny location. When the capsicums are ready, remove them from the plants.

Capsicum plant: Pests

Aphids and whiteflies are the most common pests of capsicum. Utilise organic pesticides like Neem oil to treat them. In places with greater humidity levels, adequate plant spacing is vital for ensuring airflow and mitigating many possible mould issues.


Source: Pinterest


Capsicum plant: Uses 


Capsicum plant: Benefits 


Capsicum plant: Side effects

Even if there are no deadly or chronic negative effects linked with the use of capsicum, it is best to seek the opinion of a qualified medical professional before using the plant. It is recommended that youngsters, pregnant women, and breastfeeding moms limit their frequent consumption of capsicum. Diarrhoea, heartburn, and upset stomach are known negative effects of unrestricted usage.



Which type of bell pepper is the most potent?

Greater amounts of antioxidants, including Vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene, are found in red capsicums.

Is capsicum beneficial for the skin?

Consuming capsicum helps maintain clear skin and avoids rashes and acne.

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