Pruning: How to grow and maintain your garden

Pruning improves plant structure and flowering ability in home gardening and new growth occurs from the bulb or buds right beneath the pruning cut.

What is pruning?

Pruning is the trimming of plants or parts that no longer serve any purpose. It is a frequent procedure in managing vineyards and orchards to enhance flowering and fruiting. Pruning improves plant structure and flowering ability in home gardening (such as rose culture), and new growth occurs from the bulb or buds right beneath the pruning cut. Myrtus plants are pruned to shape. Learn more here.

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What is the definition of tree pruning?

In tree pruning, the branches of a tree is cut off so that they grow better the next year. Pruning a tree helps it develop its branches and limbs properly so that the dress grows to become a structurally fit tree.

What you need to know about different types of pruning?

Pruning trees or plants in your garden promotes the plants to grow more healthily. It helps the plants to retain their shape and helps the plant from catching any diseases. It’s a habit you should include in your gardening routine so let’s take a look at some facts about pruning:

  1. It changes the growth patterns of a plant, and if done, proper pruning can also help change the plant’s shape.
  2. It is a great preventative measure in case the plants get diseases or are infested. Early pruning of the problem parts will reduce the spread of pests and diseases.
  3. Many problems a plant faces can be avoided if a tree or plant is uned correctly in its growing
  4. It’s best to prune your plants and trees when they usually lay dormant during the winter.
  5. Correct pruning will also encourage better flowers and fruits to grow. Regular pruning also helps shrubs maintain their shape.
  6. We should also prune trees with weak branches that might snap off at any moment, as they can cause a lot of harm to people and property.

What are the different types or methods of pruning?

As we know, pruning helps eliminate unwanted parts of plants and lets you have the desired effects from the plants in your garden. So to understand which kind of pruning suits you best, let’s take a look at the different types of pruning:


As the name suggests, thinning is the type of pruning where you cut down a branch from its point of origin to promote better plant growth. If pruning is done at the right place, then it will help the plant in bearing better fruits and flowers.

Density reduction

Reduction is when a tree or a shrub is reduced in size to clear the path for a utility line. The pruning down of the main branches and the branch terminals helps cut down the tree’s density and allows it to retain its form and stability.


It is the simple method of cutting down the lower branches of a tree so they don’t intrude on the buildings.

Managing size

This pruning method sizes down a tree’s height or width. The branches are cut off or shortened to pass utility lines and buildings in this method.

Managing structure

Any of the methods mentioned earlier are carried out to maintain the structure of a tree or a plant. These methods are the key to keeping the structure of a plant.


During a tree’s lifetime, pollarding is regularly initiated on younger trees and continues periodically. Smaller branches are traditionally clipped to a minor branch from the main stem on willow trees.


Cleaning is usually carried out almost every day. It is the process of removing dead or unwanted parts of a plant. 

Restorative pruning

Restorative pruning is done when a plant has to be restored. It is done on trees and shrubs that are overgrown. It is usually done in the dormant or winter time. Also, one should reduce at most 25% when it comes to a fruit tree.

Dormant pruning

Also known as winter pruning, it is carried out in the winter months because the plants don’t have any additional growth at that time. This is done to maintain a plant’s shape, size, and health.

Formative pruning

Its other name is training because a plant is trained to maintain its shape through this method. This method prepares a plant to grow and maintain the same size and shape and bear fruits.

Pruning: Importance of pruning plants

Know about the types and importance of Pruning

Source: Pinterest


Pruning is an essential part of maintaining any plant. But let’s look at the core importance of pruning plants.

  1. Get rid of dead branches or broken stems. You can also get rid of dry and damaged leaves. 
  2. If a tree has weak branches, it’s a good idea to get rid of them before they damage your property.
  3. Pruning any old branches and stems promotes the tree to put out healthy growth.
  4. You can make trees look better so that they add an aesthetic appearance.
  5. Establish a sturdy base for the tree’s long-term health.

Pruning: When should you prune?

It is recommended that you prune your trees during the dormant time, usually during winters when the growth of trees and plants is slowed down. If pruned at this time, the plants will flourish during their active period and have lots of new growth. 

Pruning: Equipment to use

Know about the types and importance of Pruning

Source: Pinterest


To prune plants and trees, there are a few things that you need to give your plant the right shape. Let’s look at some equipment to prune your garden plants and trees.

Pruning shears

One of the most crucial pieces of equipment is undoubtedly a decent set of pruning shears. These can be used to make 3-4 inch cuts.

Lopping shears

Lopping shears are similar to pruning shears, but these are used to make 11-12 inch cuts.

Hedge shears

It’s easy to understand that hedge shears are used to cut hedges

Hand saw

Hand saws are a great piece of equipment if you have big trees. They can be used to cut branches over 1 inch in diameter. 

Pole saw

They have an extended reach, but it requires a lot of practice before you can make clean cuts using pole saws.

Chain saw

They are powerful saws used to cut down trees, so you must have protective gear to use a chainsaw.

Pruning: How to prune plants?

Pruning of plants is done in a few steps, so let’s take a look at them:

Inspect your tree

During winter or early spring, you should look at the trees to see where the tree needs pruning. If branches are longer than two feet, then you should prune them.

Identify which branches to keep and remove

Health and growth determine which branches to keep and remove based on the plant’s shape. To identify the same branches later, you should tie a piece of string to them.

Remove unwanted branches and leaves

Remove any sick or dead branches with loppers or a handsaw and any extra branches that might take energy away from the fruit-bearing ones. The first branches to die off should be those growing downward.

Make cuts

Make heading cuts with your loppers on the surrounding old growth to shape the tree. With each cut, there will be more lateral branches.

What are the benefits of pruning?

Pruning has several benefits, so let’s take a look at some of them

Quality food production

The only way to ensure reliable, high-quality fruit production on fruit trees is to prune them. It stimulates a tree that wants to bear fruit yearly to produce more consistently. Pruning keeps trees shorter and thicker branches yearly, making harvesting the fruit simpler.

Plant and maintenance

Pruning promotes fruit and blossom growth that is healthy. Evergreens are kept dense and proportional with regular trimming, which also improves the beauty of the hedge. Such management promotes the property’s intended layout and aesthetic by regulating plant size and shape.


By pruning trees, more plants surrounding and beneath the tree will receive more sunlight. Because grass needs sunshine to develop properly, full shade situations are frequently unsuitable for planting. It allows the surviving plants and branches to thrive by cutting off unneeded branches.

Protection of property

Regular pruning lowers the chance that branches will break during a storm and cause damage to buildings. If trees are pruned, your family will be safe from falling branches over sidewalks, driveways, and play areas. Additionally, limiting the alternatives for habitat aids in controlling snakes, vermin, and pests.

Promotes healthy plants

Regular pruning can eliminate branches and stems that are dead or insect-ridden. This removal helps the plants to become healthier and to grow.

Enhances plant beauty

Pruning encourages plants to have more flowers and fruits, which makes the plants look aesthetically pleasing. The removal of unwanted parts also makes the plants look fresh.

Stimulates/suppresses growth

Pruning sometimes stimulates the growth of new plant parts, while at other times, it suppresses the growth.


What is the purpose of pruning?

Pruning is carried out to maintain a plant's size and shape and promote growth.

What is an example of pruning?

The main principles of pruning are that it is done to maintain plant growth, reduce tree size and improve fruit quality.

What are the five objectives of pruning?

To make sure that air and sunlight can reach the plants' canopy. To grow the plants to the desired size and canopy. To promote the blooming and fruit-bearing of flowers to eliminate the plants' overgrown, damaged, diseased, and pest-infested areas.

What is the best definition of pruning?

Pruning is the trimming of plants or parts that no longer serve any purpose. Pruning is a frequent procedure in managing vineyards and orchards to enhance flowering and fruiting.


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