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Choluteca Bridge: Key facts

Choluteca Bridge: Key facts

The Choluteca Bridge has become a metaphor for standing in the face of unpredictable occurrences. Here are some interesting facts about the much-talked-about bridge in southern Honduras.


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Choluteca Bridge: Timeline

The Choluteca Bridge was originally built in 1930. It was later rebuilt in 1996. The new Choluteca Bridge was opened to the public in 1998.


Choluteca Bridge: Length

It’s a 484-metre-long bridge over River Choluteca in Honduras, Central America, a region notorious for storms and hurricanes.


Choluteca Bridge: Impact of Hurricane Mitch

When Hurricane Mitch hit Honduras in October 1998, all the bridges in Honduras were destroyed, except the new Choluteca Bridge. However, the storm caused the river to carve a completely new path, which no longer ran under the bridge and ran alongside the Choluteca Bridge. Shortly after, the bridge earned the name, “A Bridge to Nowhere”. The Choluteca Bridge is known as the “Puente de Choluteca” in Spanish.

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Choluteca Bridge: Significance 

Despite its unfortunate fate, the Choluteca Bridge continues to stand as a poignant testament to nature’s power. It has become an iconic symbol of the destructive force unleashed by Hurricane Mitch and a reminder of the immense challenges faced by engineers and designers working in disaster-prone regions.

To restore the vital connection between Choluteca and the rest of Honduras, a new bridge has been constructed nearby. This replacement bridge serves the practical purpose of reconnecting the area, while the original Choluteca Bridge remains a significant tourist attraction. It stands as a powerful reminder of the resilience and adaptability of communities in the face of natural disasters, and a testament to the human spirit to overcome and rebuild.



Where is the Choluteca Bridge located?

The Choluteca Bridge is located in Choluteca, Honduras.

When was the Choluteca Bridge built?

The old Choluteca Bridge was built in 1930.

What is the Choluteca Bridge made of?

The Choluteca Bridge is made of steel.

What is the length of the Choluteca Bridge?

The Choluteca Bridge is approximately 1,588 feet long.

Is the Choluteca Bridge a popular tourist attraction?

No, the Choluteca Bridge is not a tourist attraction


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