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DDA issues advisory against fake websites selling flats

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May 17, 2023: The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has issued an advisory stating that fake websites are being used in the name of DDA’s housing scheme to lure people into booking flats. The authority has mentioned the URLs of two websites, and, claiming to sell or allot DDA flats.

DDA has alerted the public not to apply for housing schemes through these fake websites. Officials said that they have also registered complaints with the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) and the cybercrime cell of the Delhi Police to register FIRs against those creating such fake websites.

It is further verified that the purported DDA housing scheme 2023 circulated through these websites is a fake or fraudulent one, and DDA has floated no such housing scheme in 2023, a DDA spokesperson said.

Furthermore, the official said that whenever a new DDA housing scheme is launched, it would be made available only on the official website of the authority,

According to the statement, other sources and websites may lead the public into the trap of fraudulent and unscrupulous persons or entities, resulting in financial loss. The authority has requested the public to check DDA’s authentic websites for regular updates or transactions. Earlier, the authority flagged such fraudulent websites at least twice.

DDA is the authority, under the central government, responsible for planning and developing housing projects, commercial lands, land management, land disposal and land pooling in Delhi. It launches various affordable housing schemes, enabling citizens to apply online through its official website.

See also: DDA Housing Scheme 2022: Flats in Delhi, location, price list, and draw result details


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