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Guide for recessed light installation

Recessed light installation: Step-by-step guide

Recessed lights provide functional yet subtly concealed ceiling lighting. Also referred to as ‘can lights’, these fixtures serve purposes, such as creating a warm ambiance, accentuating home décor, or task illumination. Whether for new construction or renovations, installing recessed lights is always a great choice. Check the process of installing recessed lights to add a touch of elegance and functionality to your space.

See also: How to install vanity lights?


How to install recessed lights?

Here’s the step-by-step process for installing recessed lighting in your home.

Step 1: Shut down the power

Step 2: Cut a hole in your ceiling

Start the installation by finalising the placement of your recessed lights. Mark the designated spots precisely before making any holes.

Step 3: Rough-in the wiring

If you’re replacing an existing light fixture, ensure it’s disconnected before starting the process of wiring recessed lights.

Step 4: Wire the recessed light

Step 5: Install the light fixture

Step 6: Attach the trim

Typically, recessed light trims are attached using compressible rod springs or coil springs.

Step 7: Install the bulbs

Once the trim is in place, insert the light bulbs of your choice. Then, restore the power and verify that lights are functioning properly.



Can I install LED recessed lighting in the ceiling by myself?

Yes, if you have a nearby power source, you can install LED recessed lighting in the ceiling on your own. However, if a power source needs to be added, it could extend the project timeline. This can be done by either wiring your own circuit or enlisting the help of an electrician.

Where can I install recessed lighting?

While recessed lighting is commonly installed between ceiling joists in new construction, you can retrofit recessed lighting in various areas throughout your home. This flexibility allows you to add this type of lighting to existing space.

What are the alternatives to recessed lights?

If you're looking for alternatives to recessed lights, there are several options that can enhance the aesthetics of your home. Consider modern semi-flush ceiling lights, as well as styles like disc lights, tube lights, pendant lights, and track lights. These alternatives offer a variety of designs to suit your preferences and elevate the look of your space.

Do I need a professional for installing recessed lights?

While recessed light installation can be done by yourself, it’s advisable to enlist a professional’s help if you are not comfortable working with electricity.

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