How to install vanity lights?

Installing new vanity lights is an easy DIY project, especially if you have the wiring in place.

Looking to upgrade the lighting of your space? Consider installing new vanity lights. This improves illumination and enhances the overall look of your interiors. It simplifies daily tasks like shaving or putting on makeup. With proper wiring in place, adding vanity lights is an easy DIY task. This step-by-step installation guide will help you install new vanity lights or bathroom sconces safely.

See also: Trending decorative lights every home should have


Steps for vanity light installation

Start with measurements

  • Carefully measureyour existing light fixtures. Note the bathroom mirror’s width to determine a suitable width range.
  • The new vanity lights could have different dimensions than the existing Before installation, you may need to sand, spackle and paint the previous fixture’s footprint. Hold up the new fixture in your desired position and gently trace its outline with a pencil. Attend the areas outside the traced line.
  • Prepare your tools to streamline the process and simplify the installation.


Shut off the power

Before engaging in any electrical task, deactivate the power supply to the bathroom. Locate the breaker box and switch off the relevant breaker. Utilise a voltage metre to verify that there is no electrical current flowing to the fixture.


Uninstall the old vanity light

  • Take off the shade and screws, placing them in a secure location to prevent breakage.
  • Unscrew the light bulbs and set them aside carefully.
  • Loosen the screws and nuts that hold the decorative plate in place on the mounting bracket.
  • Hold the mounting bracket with one hand and gently pull away the decorative plate with the other hand to reveal the wiring.


Disconnect the wiring

Before handling the wires, use a non-contact voltage tester to ensure there is no electricity flowing through them. Test both the fixture wires and the in-wall wiring for safety.


Prep the area

To separate the in-wall wiring from the fixture wiring, unscrew the wire nuts from the white wires, black wires and green or ground wires. Once disconnected, take off the existing mounting plate.


Installing new mounting plate

Your new vanity light will include a mounting plate for a secure connection to the electrical housing. The design of the mounting plate may vary based on the fixture. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to attach the mounting plate to the junction box using nuts or screws. The installation kit will provide all the necessary components for this step.


Connect the wiring

Refer to the new fixture’s manual for detailed instructions and guidance. These are the general steps for wiring:

  • Loosen the grounding screw on the new bracket. The grounding screw is usually green, but check the manual for your
  • Wrap the exposed grounding wire around the screw a few times before tightening the screw.
  • Connect the two black wires– one from the new vanity light and another from the wall – by twisting their ends together. Use a wire nut to cover the joined ends before twisting it clockwise to secure. Give the wire nut a gentle pull to ensure that it is firmly attached.
  • Repeat the process for the white wires.


Connect the new vanity light

Attach the new vanity light to the mounting plate, ensuring that the wiring is neatly tucked into the electrical box. Tighten the screws or nuts to secure the base plate in position. After the installation is finished, return to the breaker box and switch on the bathroom breaker. Turn on the bathroom light to enjoy your newly installed vanity fixture.



Why should I install new vanity lights?

Adding new vanity lights improves illumination and boosts the overall aesthetics of your space. It offers better visibility, which is especially helpful in tasks like applying makeup or shaving.

Can I install new vanity lights myself?

Yes, installing new vanity lights is an easy task, especially if you have existing wiring.

What safety precautions should I take before installing new vanity lights?

Before handling any wiring, turn off the power supply to the bathroom. Use a non-contact voltage tester to confirm that there is no electric current flowing through the wires.

Can I use my old mounting plate for the new vanity light?

It is recommended to use the new mounting plate provided with the new vanity light. The design and dimensions of the mounting plate may vary based on the fixture, therefore, using the one that comes with the new fixture ensures a proper fit and installation.

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