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Gujarat RERA launches RERA 2.0 portal

Gujarat RERA launches RERA 2.0 portal

November 24, 2023: The Gujarat Real Estate Regulatory Authority (GujRERA) has launched the RERA 2.0 portal today.

According to Order 83, Gujarat RERA 2.0 is available for user access from November 24, 2023. The existing RERA 1.0 promoters can claim their projects in RERA 2.0 by using the Claim Process. All new portal users should necessarily sign up in RERA 2.0.



The Gujarat RERA portal that was used previously was shut on November 16, 2023.

According to media reports, the earlier portal depended on both online and offline details. Also, the due diligence for the various processes would take time as they couldn’t be done simultaneously. However, the RERA 2.0 portal will completely be online and the due diligence can also be processed simultaneously, making the registration process faster.



Also, the new website will focus on data entry that can be edited immediately instead of uploading PDFs. In its bid to be completely online, the portal will also support applications related to project renovation, alteration and extension of applications online.

Also, Gujarat RERA 2.0 has launched a mobile application that can be downloaded from the Google Play store.

(All images, including header image: Gujarat RERA)

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