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How to find the best broker for purchasing property?

Rekha Jhunjhunwala’s firm buys offices worth Rs 740 cr in Mumbai

Finding the best broker to purchase a property can be challenging. For this, an individual needs to research well and be aware of the terms related to real estate. There are so many brokers in the market, but choosing a professional one is necessary. A broker helps navigate the concerned party’s legal complexities and other legalities associated with purchasing a property. Here are key steps that one should consider and focus on while selecting a broker to purchase a property.

See also: How to choose right home loan lender?


Research is important

Extensive research is the key to selecting a broker while purchasing a property. An individual needs to do deep research on all the aspects related to real estate. You can search using filters like experience and expertise. Some brokers specialise in a property type, look for them and select which aligns with your needs at the moment. It is important to read the reviews of their past customers and how their experience was.


Licenses and qualifications

The broker that will help you in finding your dream property should be a professional and must have the prerequisite qualifications. After narrowing down a list of potential brokers through your research, you need to check each broker’s qualifications, licenses, and specialisation they have. They must have a valid certification issued by the regulatory authority.


Broker’s experience

If the broker you are selecting does not have any experience in showing and selling property to the customer, then he cannot be relied upon. They must have a portfolio to show you the listings they have shown, the customer’s feedback, and their track record. An experienced broker will give you additional insights into the real estate market which will help in selecting the best property.


Real estate knowledge

A broker must be aware of the real estate market insights. You can verify this by preparing certain questions and asking them in your meetings to assess their level of knowledge. This will give you a surety that the broker you are selecting is the best one.


Goodwill and feedback

To evaluate a broker’s standing and credibility, it’s helpful to consider their customer relations. Reaching out to previous clients and obtaining their firsthand experiences can be a valuable way to gauge a broker’s reputation before making a decision. A broker’s good reputation is crucial in the industry, as it can give you access to properties of exceptional quality while also saving you money.


Open communication

When working with a broker, it’s important that they communicate effectively and transparently with you. They should simplify all the paperwork, legalities, and challenging tasks so that you can understand them easily. Additionally, you should be included in each meeting and given the opportunity to verify all information first. Good communication is also crucial when negotiating a deal with the seller.



Will a broker help me with loan options?

Yes, a broker can help you secure a loan for your property. He can give you information about current mortgage rates and term duration.

Does a broker negotiate for me while purchasing a property?

You must tell your budget and finances to the broker, and he will negotiate with the concerned party. This will show his communication skills.

How can I reduce broker’s fees?

You can reduce the broker’s fees by being upfront and telling your budget beforehand.

What should I look for when selecting a broker?

You should look for his communication skill, which includes negotiation skills, personality, goodwill and reputation, and customer feedback.

Should I talk to previous customers before selecting a broker?

It is advisable to connect and talk to the previous customers of the concerned broker to be aware of all the pros and cons.

Should I select a general broker or a broker who specialises?

You should select a broker who has a specialisation in a particular area of real estate if you are looking for a specific property. Otherwise, it is good to select a general broker.

Should I select an independent broker or a broker associated with an agency?

Both have their merits and demerits. Consider their fees, qualifications, and licenses; then you can make a better selection.

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