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Impatiens Balsamina Flower: Uses, benefits and plant care

Impatiens balsamina is an annual flowering plant, commonly known as Garden balsam, which can be easily grown indoors, or outdoors. This fast-growing plant produces flowers in pink, purple and red colours, which enhance the beauty of your home. The plant is native to the Himalayan region and is also known as Gul-mehndi in India. If you want to grow this low-maintenance plant at home, check this guide.

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Impatiens balsamina: Quick facts

Plant name Impatiens balsamina
Common names Balsam, Garden balsam, Rose balsam, Touch-me-not, Spotted Snapweed
Family Balsaminaceae
Found in India, Myanmar, tropics of Asia
Flower colour Pink, purple, red, lilac, white
Flower blooming season Spring, summer, and fall
Toxicity Low
Benefits Traditional medicine and dye

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Impatiens balsamina: Plant description



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Impatiens balsamina: Benefits and uses

Medicinal uses

Various parts of Impatiens balsamina find their applications in traditional medicine, especially for treating skin disorders.

Used as dye

In southeast Asia, it was also used in making dyes. For example, in Nepal, balsam leaves were crushed to colour fingernails on the day of Shrawan Sankranti.

Ornamental purposes

The colourful flowers of Impatiens balsamina make it a suitable choice for landscaping purpose. The plant attracts butterflies and pollinators. Thus, it is also used in designing theme-based gardens, such as Butterfly Garden, Shade Garden and Pollinator Garden. However, Garden balsam are excellent plants to be grown in containers inside homes, or in home gardens.


How to take care of Impatiens balsamina?



Impatiens balsamina: Colorful garden addition

Impatiens balsamina or Garden Balsam are available in different varieties based on their growth habit, flower shape or colour. You can consider growing the different cultivars to add colours to your home garden.

Some popular cultivars include:


How to grow Impatiens balsamina plant?

The plant can be easily grown from seeds that sprout in just about four days in ideal soil conditions. Start planting them indoors around six to eight weeks before the expected last frost date in the area. Press them gently into a seed-starting mix. When the soil temperature outside gets warmer, bring seedlings outdoor. Allow a minimum of 12 inches to three feet of space to plant them.


Growing tips for Impatiens balsamina



Is Impatiens balsamina plant poisonous?

Leaves are the poisonous part of the plant. When consumed raw in large amount, it can cause an accumulation of calcium oxalate that may be slightly toxic.

What are the common problems while growing Impatiens balsamina?

The plant is quite free from pests and diseases. However, it needs to be protected against common pests and insects, including aphids and cucumber beetles. It may also be prone to powdery mildew, a fungal disease seen in some plants. Another common problem is that its self-seeding ability may result in spreading of weeds.

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