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MHADA to waive last EMI for Kalyan affordable housing scheme beneficiaries

Low budget single floor house designs

In a bid to help the beneficiaries of the MHADA lottery 2018 affordable housing scheme in Kalyan, the MHADA has decided to forego the last EMI that they have to pay to the board. With this step, beneficiaries, who were facing financial problems, can cumulatively save Rs 32 crore.

โ€œThese houses are located in Khoni and Shirdhon and 2000-odd beneficiaries were facing financial problems due to delay in getting possession caused primarily by the coronavirus-induced lockdown as well as other reasons,โ€ media reports quoted Lok Sabha MP Shrikant Shinde as saying.

While the MHADA lottery was held in 2018, the beneficiaries of the affordable housing scheme were to get their flats by 2021, which was delayed owing to the pandemic.

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