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Over 2k homes up for sale in MHADA Konkan board lottery 2023

Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority’s (MHADA) Konkan wing will be giving away 2,046 units as part of MHADA lottery 2023. These homes will be available in Thane, Vasai-Virar, Navi Mumbai and Vengurla, reported FPJ.

The MHADA lottery will be held in the first quarter of 2023. While the MHADA lottery was supposed to be held in late 2022, it was postponed owing to upgrade and updates in MHADA software which will make the entire MHADA lottery transparent.


Total units for grabs

2,046 units


EWS category units

1,001 units


LIG category units

1,023 units


MIG category units



HIG category units


MHADA will be holding MHADA lottery across boards namely the MHADA Mumbai board, the MHADA Pune board and the MHADA Aurangabad board.  While MHADA Mumbai plans to give 4000 units, MHADA Pune plans to give 4,600 units and MHADA Aurangabad plans to give 800 units. All the MHADA lotteries are being planned to be held in the first 3 months of 2023.

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