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What makes Rajgir Glass Bridge one of the most famous tourist spots in Bihar?

Among the many tourist attractions in India’s Bihar is the glass bridge at Rajgir in Nalanda. Modelled after China’s Hangzhou Glass Bridge, this 85-foot-long and 6-foot-wide bridge was inaugurated in 2021. Located amid five hills, the bridge draws domestic as well as international tourists every year. It can accommodate up to 40 visitors at a time.


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See also: Koilwar Bridge Bihar: Fact guide

Rajgir Glass Bridge: Location

Rajgir is a historical town in the Nalanda district of Bihar. The town is 95 km from Patna. Rajgir is already an international tourist destination. With the glass bridge and the nature safari, it is expected to attract even more visitors.


How to reach Rajgir?

By Air: Patna is the nearest airport (110 km) from Rajgir. Patna is well-linked to all major Indian cities, including Kolkata, Bombay, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Ranchi, Lucknow. Rajgir is also connected to Gaya International Airport (78 km).

By Rail: Rajgir has a railway station (RGD) which is connected to Patna, Kolkata and New Delhi via daily trains. Rajgir is also connected to the Gaya Railway Station (GAYA), one of India’s busiest rail routes.

By Road: Rajgir is well connected by road to Patna (110 km), Nalanda ( 15 km), Gaya (78 km), Pawapuri (38 km), Bihar Sharif (25 km). Regular bus services are available from all these locations. BSTDC runs daily air-conditioned buses between Patna and Bodh Gaya via Rajgir. Cabs and taxis are also easily available.

Rajgir Glass Bridge architectural make-up

Made using three layers of 15-mm glass, the bridge is situated inside the Nature Safari Park. In addition to the bridge, visitors can indulge in other activities like zip lining, nature park safaris and picnics. The bridge also offers adventure sports such as air cycling.




Rajgir Glass Bridge: Tickets and timing

Visitors can book tickets for the Rajgir Glass Bridge online from the website- Note that only about 25% of the tickets will be available online. The entry fee for the Glass Bridge Skywalk is Rs 125.

The bridge stays open from 9 AM to 5 PM from Tuesday to Sunday. It remains closed on Mondays.



Places to visit near Rajgir

Apart from the Glass Floor Bridge, Rajgir also offers several other attractions. A ropeway connects the town to the nearby hilltops. Nature safaris, glass cabins, nature reserves, adventure activities and parks are also available, making it a popular destination for families and nature lovers.

Vishwa Shanti Stupa

It is a huge white Peace Pagoda, where Buddha statues are mounted in four directions. The structure also has a Japanese Buddhist temple and a park. The stupa is located on the top of Ratnagiri Hills, which 400-metre high.

Ghora Katora Lake 

The Ghora Katora Lake is a beautiful spot near Rajgir. The shape of the lake resembles that of a horse. Located near the World Peace Pagoda, it is surrounded by mountains on three sides. One can enjoy boating here. 


Son Bhandar Caves


The Son Bhandar Caves are two artificial caves with their origin dating back to the 3rd or 4th century CE. Some authors suggest the caves could actually go back to the period of the Maurya empire from 319 to 180 BCE. 


Maniar Matth

One of the most important archaeological sites of Bihar is Maniar Matth. British archaeologist Alexander Cunningham found a Jain temple, named Maniar Matth on top of a mound in 1861. The survey showed that this place was originally a worshipping area of the local pantheon of Naga cult.

Rajgir Brahma Kund

Hindu devotes from across India visit Rajgir Brahma Kund to take dip in the sacred water of this hot spring. These 11 hot water springs are believed to have healing power for several chronic ailments.

Pictorial glimpse of Rajgir, Bihar





What is the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

The Rajgir Glass Bridge is a transparent glass bridge that spans across the Ghora Katora Lake in Rajgir, Bihar. It is a popular tourist attraction and one of the longest glass bridges in the country.

What is the length of the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

The Rajgir Glass Bridge is approximately 85 metre long.

How high is the Rajgir Glass Bridge from the ground?

The Rajgir Glass Bridge is approximately 20 metre high from the ground.

What are the visiting hours of the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

The Rajgir Glass Bridge is open daily for visitors from 9 AM to 6 PM.

Is there an entry fee to visit the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

Visitors must pay a fee of Rs 125 for the Rajgir Glass Bridge Skywalk.

What are some nearby tourist attractions to the Rajgir Glass Bridge?

Some nearby tourist attractions to the Rajgir Glass Bridge are the Venu Vana, Rajgir Hot Springs, and the Griddhakuta Peak.

How can I reach Rajgir Glass Bridge?

Rajgir Glass Bridge is located in Rajgir, Bihar, and can be reached by road or train. The nearest airport is in Patna, which is about 100 kilometre away from Rajgir.

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