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How to remove permanent marker from any surface?

Permanent marker stains can be challenging to deal with. Whether you accidentally used a permanent marker on a whiteboard, got some on your clothes or furniture, or your kids decided to draw on the walls, you might think there is no way to get rid of them. But don’t worry; some clever hacks can help remove permanent markers from almost any surface. This blog post will show you how to use everyday household items to erase those pesky marks and restore your surfaces to their original state.

See also: How to remove acrylic paint from clothes?


Removing permanent markers from hard, non-porous surfaces

Rugged, non-porous surfaces include things like glass, metal, plastic, ceramic, and laminate. These are usually easier to clean than porous surfaces, as the marker ink doesn’t penetrate deeply into the material. Here are some methods you can try to remove permanent markers from hard, non-porous surfaces:


Removing permanent marker from fabrics

Fabrics are more challenging to clean than hard surfaces, as the permanent marker ink can soak into the fibers and become more challenging to remove. However, there are still some ways to salvage your clothes or other fabric items that have been stained by permanent marker. Here are some methods you can try to remove permanent markers from fabrics:


Removing permanent marker from furniture

Furniture items like couches, chairs, tables, or cabinets can also get stained by permanent markers accidentally or intentionally. Depending on the material of your furniture, you might need different methods to remove permanent markers from them. Here are some methods you can try to remove permanent markers from furniture:

Permanent marker stains can be annoying and frustrating, but they are not impossible to remove. With some everyday household items and patience, you can restore your surfaces to their original state. However, prevention is always better than cure, so try to avoid using permanent markers on surfaces that are not meant for them and keep them away from children or pets who might misuse them.



How do I remove permanent markers from the skin?

You can use makeup remover wipes, rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or toothpaste to remove permanent markers from the skin. Rub the product on the stain circularly until the ink comes off.

How do I remove permanent markers from plastic?

You can use alcohol, nail polish remover, or magic eraser to remove permanent markers from plastic. Apply the product to the stain using a cotton swab or a cloth, and rub it until the ink disappears.

How do I remove permanent markers from fabric?

You can use bleach (for white fabrics only), hairspray, and nail polish.

How do I remove permanent markers from glass?

Use a dry erase marker or alcohol/vinegar with a cloth or cotton swab.

What's the method to remove permanent markers from metal?

Dry erase marker, alcohol, nail polish remover, or a magic eraser work well.

How can I remove permanent markers from ceramics?

Try alcohol, nail polish remover, toothpaste/baking soda mix, or a magic eraser.

What's the best way to remove permanent markers from wood?

Use a toothpaste/baking soda mix, baking soda, lemon essential oil, or vinegar.

How do I eliminate permanent marker stains from leather?

Use distilled white vinegar, baking soda, nail polish remover, or WD-40 and gently rub.

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