How to remove acrylic paint from clothes?

It became popular among artists for its versatility, quick drying time and ability to be used on various surfaces.

Acrylic paint is a versatile and vibrant medium that can be used for various artistic projects. However, removing your clothes can also be a nightmare if you accidentally spill or splatter some on them. Fortunately, some practical ways exist to remove acrylic paint from clothes without ruining them. In this article, we will show you how to do it step by step and answer some common questions about this tricky task.


What is acrylic paint?

Acrylic paint is a type of paint made of pigment, which gives it colour, and a synthetic resin binder, which holds the pigment particles together. Acrylic paint also contains other ingredients such as plasticizers, silicone oils, defoamers, stabilizers, or metal soaps to improve its properties and performance. Acrylic paint is fast-drying and water-based, but it becomes water-resistant when dry.


Effect of acrylic paint on clothes

Acrylic paint can be used on fabric but has some drawbacks and limitations. If acrylic paint is applied directly on the fabric without any medium added, it will produce a stiff and rough feel on the cloth and wash off quickly after the first laundry. To make acrylic paint permanent and flexible on fabric, a fabric or textile medium should be mixed with the paint. This will help the paint to penetrate and adhere to the fabric better, prevent peeling and cracking, and control bleeding and watercolour effects. Acrylic paint can be used to create various designs and patterns on clothes, but it should be done carefully and correctly.


What you will need to remove acrylic paint from clothes

Before you start, make sure you have the following items ready:

  • A dull knife or spoon
  • Paper towels or old rags
  • Rubbing alcohol or acetone (nail polish remover)
  • Liquid dish soap
  • Warm water
  • A sponge or a soft-bristled brush
  • A washing machine and laundry detergent


How to Remove Acrylic Paint from Clothes: The Steps

Follow these steps to remove acrylic paint from clothes:Scrape off the excess paint. Use a dull knife or spoon to scrape off as much dried paint as possible gently. Be careful not to damage the fabric or spread the stain. You can also blot the wet paint with paper towels or old rags to absorb some of it.

Apply rubbing alcohol or acetone. Pour some rubbing alcohol or acetone onto a clean cloth and dab it on the stained area. This will help dissolve the acrylic paint and make it easier to wash off. Do not rub the stain, which may push it deeper into the fabric.

Rinse with warm water. After applying the solvent, rinse the stained area with warm water to flush out the paint. You can also use a sponge or soft-bristled brush to scrub the stain gently and loosen any remaining paint particles.

Apply liquid dish soap. Squeeze some liquid dish soap onto the stained area and work it into the fabric with your fingers or a brush. This will help lift the stain and remove grease or oil from the paint.

Wash in the washing machine. After treating the stain with dish soap, wash the garment in the washing machine using your regular laundry detergent. Check the garment’s care label and follow the instructions for the appropriate water temperature and cycle. Do not use bleach or fabric softener, as these may affect the colour or texture of the fabric.

Air dry or tumble dry. After washing, air dry or tumble dry the garment according to the care label instructions. Do not iron or press the garment until you are sure the stain is completely gone, as heat may set the stain permanently.


How to remove acrylic paint from clothes after drying

Acrylic paint is water-based but can be difficult to remove once it dries. One method that you can try is using baking soda, which is a natural cleaning agent. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Mix one baking soda with three parts lukewarm water in a container until it forms a thick paste.
  • Apply the paste to the stained area of the fabric and gently rub it in using a soft brush or cloth.
  • Let the paste sit for a few minutes, then rinse the fabric with water.
  • Repeat the process if needed until the stain is gone.

This method works best for dry acrylic paint stains, but you can also try it for wet ones. However, you should remove any excess paint from your clothes using a spoon or a knife and blot up any remaining paint with a paper towel. You can also wash your clothes in the washer and dryer after using the baking soda paste, but check the fabric care label and use the hottest setting possible for the fabric type.



Can I use vinegar to remove acrylic paint from my clothes?

Vinegar is a natural and mild acid that can help break down acrylic paint, but it may not be as effective as rubbing alcohol or acetone. Try soaking the stained area in a solution of one part vinegar and two parts water for 15 minutes, then rinsing and washing as usual.

Can I use hairspray to remove acrylic paint from my clothes?

Hairspray contains alcohol, which can help dissolve acrylic paint but may also have other ingredients that can damage or discolour the fabric. It is better to use pure rubbing alcohol or acetone instead of hairspray.

Can I use bleach to remove acrylic paint from my clothes?

Bleach is a strong chemical that can remove stains, but it can also damage or fade the fabric, especially if it is coloured or delicate. Using bleach to remove acrylic paint from clothes is not recommended unless the garment is white and made of cotton or polyester.

How do I remove acrylic paint from silk, wool, or leather?

Silk, wool, and leather are delicate fabrics that require special care when removing stains. Do not use rubbing alcohol, acetone, vinegar, bleach, or dish soap on these fabrics, as they may damage them. Instead, take them to a professional dry cleaner and explain what caused the stain.

How do I prevent acrylic paint from staining my clothes?

The best way to prevent acrylic paint from staining your clothes is to wear an apron, smock, or old clothes when painting. You can also cover your work area with newspapers, drop cloths, or plastic sheets to protect your furniture and floor from spills and splatters.

How do I remove dried acrylic paint from clothes?

To remove dried acrylic paint, try scraping off excess paint, then soak the fabric in warm water and dish soap. Gently scrub the area, and repeat if needed before washing.

Can I use rubbing alcohol to remove acrylic paint from my clothes?

Yes, rubbing alcohol can help loosen and remove acrylic paint stains. Apply the alcohol to the stained area, let it sit for a few minutes, then blot or gently rub the paint off with a cloth or cotton ball before washing the garment.


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