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Royal POP ceiling design ideas that can transform your home

Royal POP ceiling design ideas that can transform your home

For a long time, the ceiling was one of the most neglected parts of a home. Most people thought that designing and adding a false ceiling was a waste of time and did not bother doing so. Today, POP ceiling designs are the trend. Most contemporary homes have well-designed ceilings that reflect the theme of the house. When it comes to false ceiling design, there are many ways to go about it. There’s something for everyone, from POP design recessed ceilings to sleek wooden running plans. Let us look at a few royal POP ceiling designs to decorate different spaces of your home.


1. Royal POP ceiling design with chandelier

False ceiling designs are primarily aesthetic but can serve a few essential functions in your home. Take this false ceiling design, for example. It leverages the fact that the ceiling is recessed to house a chandelier. This false ceiling design is tremendously effective in homes where the original ceiling height is shallow. The false ceiling design gives way to accent light fixtures along with the chandelier, creating an elegant space with a lot of light.


Source: Pinterest

See also: POP design latest trends in 2022


2. Statement piece royal POP ceiling design

Do you feel like traditional false ceiling design practices like recessed ceilings and hanging ceilings are boring? If you want to try something new that grabs your guests’ attention, use a POP ceiling design that features a statement piece. A statement piece contrasts with your ceiling and wall design to create a visually striking point of interest in your space. It can be anything from 3D false ceiling designs to contrasting materials.

See also: Thermocol ceiling price and latest design trends

Source: Pinterest

See also: Plus Minus POP design ideas for ceilings and walls


3. Profile light POP ceiling design

This false ceiling design idea is a great choice for houses designed in a minimalistic style. Using POP ceilings with profile lighting helps you keep the room bright and well-lit without having unnecessary electrical fixtures. You can wave goodbye to your tube lights and bulbs, because these profile lights and strip lights can do the job as well, if not better, than traditional lights. You can also use this POP ceiling design as a canvas to create abstract art with strip lights as your paintbrush.


Source: Pinterest

See also: Plus-minus POP design to decorate your porch


4. Chessboard royal POP design for bedroom

Who says you must have an elaborate false ceiling design to make your space look better? In addition to POP, you can use gypsum board tiles, a simple and affordable solution, to completely change your ceiling’s appearance. This chessboard design can be made better by using different shades of colours, positioning lights perfectly, and using other materials to play off the gypsum board’s plain white colour. Using wooden panelling can help add a lot of character to the false ceiling.


Source: Pinterest

Also check out these POP design for hall ideas


5. Royal POP ceiling design with running wooden slats

Modern POP ceiling designs do not use a lot of colours. The ceiling is white or a tinted version of white everywhere you see. Contrast is an important design element that you can leverage to make spaces look better. One material that adds this contrast without looking out of place is wood. These sleek wooden slats are a great visual point of interest that give some much-needed respite from the whites all around you. Add some strip lights to the slats to make them functional.


Source: Pinterest

Also read about roof POP design ideas for the ceiling


6. Royal POP design for bedroom

The bedroom is one of your home’s most important spaces and hence, installing a false ceiling POP design for bedroom requires extra care. This royal POP design for the bedroom lends an elegant ambience to your bedroom. The plus/minus design of the POP ceiling creates a recessed island. You can use the island to fit night lighting elements that help you go to sleep comfortably.


Source: Pinterest


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