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Safety door jali designs to bring a graceful first impression

Safety door jali designs to bring a graceful first impression featured-compressed

Safety is a major concern of many homeowners. When we buy a home, we always look up for information about the neighbourhood. A safety door jali design is another feature that can be added to your home to make you feel safer. However, just because the door is a safety door doesn’t mean it needs to be very plain or non-stylish. Not only will a safety door jali design keep you safe, but it will also help make a grand impression in front of your guests.


13 stylish safety door jali designs


Floral jali design

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We use flowers throughout our homes to decorate and welcome essential guests. This design uses the same principle and adds it into jaali work. A floral Jali design on the door is trendy in Indian homes. The simple but elegant design of flowers is a favourite of many. 

Floral designs can be incorporated into the jali design in many ways. This image shows just one of the examples of this design. This geometric wooden jali design creates a modern effect. You can go for this design for a contemporary door appearance. The wooden door helps in making the home look more warm and welcoming.

See also: Wooden room door design ideas for every room of your home


Abstract and modern jali design

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Abstract and modern Jali design made with triangle shapes of metal is perfect for making an extraordinary effect on the guests. Metal criss-cross design complements the wooden finish door perfectly. This safety door looks like an art installation. For privacy, you may add a mirror behind the jaali. Mirror will also elevate the look of this wooden jali door. 


A semi-circle jali design

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A traditional motif carved into a wooden door will give your home’s entrance the quintessential Indian look. The traditional inspiration should not be limited only to the indoors; it can be reflected in outdoor spaces. 

Wood is also for achieving the traditional look. This design adds a simple wooden jali design but still looks very luxurious. Don’t miss the attractive and gorgeous flowers designs in gold on the side of the door. Lights on top of the design highlight the design even more.


Honeycomb jali design

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A honeycomb safety door jali design made with hexagonal carvings in jali design is very stylish and complex. When we look at a honeycomb, we admire the intricacies and detail of the design. This design borrows the same for creating a satisfying look. The symmetry of the attached hexagon design is very pleasing to the eye. 

See also: Top grill door design ideas for your home


Intricate jali patterns

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Create a luxurious vibe in the entryway with an intricate jali door design. This design consists of several carved designs connected to make a beautiful design. You can see the hard work of the artisans in the gorgeous little details of the wooden jali door design. This design also has a very traditional look as designs as rich as this are only seen in India.


Optical Illusion for the Jali Door

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If you are looking for a safety door jali design that is unlike any other and one that always stands out, an optical illusion door is the way to go. This door will make anyone know that this home is fun. This design is also a great way to spice up the entryway making it a talking point for your guests. Other optical illusion jali designs use perforations and spiral methods for the look. Therefore, there is no shortage of variety in this jali design.


Statement jali design

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Using diagonal lines for safety door jali design is an excellent way to get a sleek and modern look. This geometric design will suit a contemporary home. The whole gate is not covered in the jali design for privacy. The jali design allows for peeking in and out and creating beautiful shadows with the proper lighting. The wood door is also carved with similar lines for a completely cohesive look. This design is ideal for a minimalistic home because of its simple design.


Nature-inspired jaali look

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Bring nature into your home, starting with the doorway. This safety door jali design integrates trees and branches into the metal door to soften its look. This design also provides sufficient ventilation. Nature-inspired designs are also very inviting. If your home has a nature theme, this door will be perfect for you. Put this door in your garden or back entrance to go along with the theme.


Metal and wood for an antique look

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Create an antique look utilising metal and wooden jali design. This design combines both of these elements for a beautiful look as dark metal contrasts with the lovely brown of the wood. This safety door jali design looks very elegant and ornate. The rustic look of the wood adds to the antique design. This jali design will also be ideal partitions inside the home.


Holy symbols jali design

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Adding religious symbols in the jali design is common in Indian mandir doors. This home uses the same symbolic look for a safety door jali design. This design will add a holy ambience to your entryway. Whenever you leave or enter through this door, you will be inspired by your religious beliefs. The om and swastika signs are the most famous symbols used in this design. Wood is a traditional material here; it elevates the conventional style.


Rajasthani regal jali design

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Go completely all out in your jali door design with this regal look. This design uses jali patterns, wood carvings, and mirrors to create the ultimate Rajasthani royalty look. The rustic dark wood adds to the appeal of this door. This door design reflects antique beauty. We love using traditional wood elements throughout the house that go along with the door.


One-sided jali design

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If you don’t want your whole living room to be visible to the outside and want to enjoy the elegant design of jali work, then this design is for you. You get to enjoy the ventilation and aesthetic of the jali design while still hiding the parts that you want. This sophisticated design can be found in several modern homes. The golden colour of the jali works amazingly well with the wooden door.


Simple and elegant jali design

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Pair your simple main door with a patterned safety door jali design to create an exciting look. The basic pattern is a simple design that uses sturdy teak with a solid metal grill. Unlike other grill doors, this design doesn’t feel like a prison. Instead, it lends beauty to the entryway and makes it look more inviting. This design is also cost-effective because of the simple grill design.

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