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Vastu guidelines for sleeping position during pregnancy

Know the right sleeping position during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a phase when health becomes the topmost priority in a woman’s life. From diet and exercises to sleep and proper sleeping positions, there are several aspects that demand attention. With a growing belly, it is necessary to be careful when choosing the correct sleeping position during pregnancy.

In this article, we will explain the best sleeping position for pregnant women and share some Vastu guidelines to help you.


Vastu tips and best direction to sleep to help conceive a child

According to Vastu experts, the presence of Vastu defects in the house can prevent couples from conceiving a child. Vastu principles emphasise the five elements of nature – water, air, fire, earth and space. To conceive a child, all these elements must remain in balance.

The fire element, associated with the southeast direction, is responsible for the relationship between couples, conceiving a child and the growth of the baby in a woman’s womb. Couples must choose the southwest direction as the ideal direction to sleep, according to Vastu. They can also sleep in the northwest corner of the house in the Parjanya energy field, which helps in conceiving. This energy field helps keep the body and mind stable.

However, once a lady conceives, she must move to the southwest direction from northeast corner for the child’s stability.

Placement of bedroom

The position of the bedroom between the east and southeast direction or the west and northwest corner can create obstacles in conceiving a child. The same issue occurs if there is a toilet in southwest or if there is a cut in this direction. Hence, one should follow the recommended Vastu guidelines for the placement of the bedroom.

Useful tips


Best sleeping position during pregnancy

Sleeping on the left side

Pregnant women should carefully select the right sleeping position after the first trimester. One of the best sleeping positions during pregnancy is to sleep on the side, which is the most comfortable and safest position for the woman and her baby. According to health experts, sleeping on the left side is beneficial as it improves circulation, ensuring the supply of nutrient-rich blood from the heart to the placenta connected to the uterus, which nourishes the baby. This position boosts kidney function, aiding in the efficient removal of waste products and less swelling of feet, ankles, and hands.

Sleeping on the stomach

Some women prefer to sleep on their stomach until the bump makes it difficult to sleep in this position. However, a pregnant woman should avoid sleeping on her back or her stomach after the fifth month of pregnancy.

Lying on the back or stomach exerts pressure on the aorta of heart, inferior vena cava, and blood vessels behind the uterus that supply blood back to the heart from the legs and feet.

Also read all about bed direction as per Vastu


Useful tips on sleeping positions during pregnancy

Stomach and back support

Getting more belly and back support is important for pregnant women when sleeping. For this, use a pillow under the tummy and between the knees. You can also purchase pregnancy pillows available in markets these days. Placing the pillow will support your body and help position it on the side by protecting you against rolling to your back or stomach.

Easy breathing

Place a pillow under your side to get help during shortness of breath. This arrangement will help raise the chest and allows easy breathing.

How to reduce heartburn?

You can use books or blocks to elevate the head of a bed by a few inches. Sleeping in this position will lower acid levels in stomach and heartburn symptoms.


Importance of sleep during pregnancy

Sleep is essential as it helps rejuvenate and repair the body and maintain many vital functions. The blood vessels rejuvenate themselves during sleep and this is beneficial as extra pressure is on the blood vessels as additional blood supply is needed to aid the baby’s growth.

Moreover, ensuring the correct sleeping position during pregnancy and getting proper rest boosts the weakened immune system in pregnant women. Sleep helps control the way a human body reacts to insulin. Inadequate sleep can lead to increased blood sugar levels, thus increasing the risk of gestational diabetes.


Sleeping direction for pregnant ladies: Vastu Shastra guidelines

As per Vastu Shastra, the best direction to sleep for a pregnant woman is the head facing towards the south direction as it is beneficial for her health due to the body’s natural polarity. Pregnant women should avoid sleeping with their heads facing towards the east direction. The main reason for this is the thermal heat, which affects pregnancy. When the earth’s eastern side is heated, the western part remains cold. Thus, thermal electricity, generated due to the sun, moves from east to west.

Here are more Vastu tips on sleeping position during pregnancy:

Also read: Make these five changes in your bedroom for better sleep


How to sleep more comfortably during pregnancy?


More steps to sleeping better while pregnant: Décor ideas 

Soothing wall colours

Choose light and soothing colors for your bedroom walls. Some colours you can pick are blue, pink or purple.


Install bulbs that emit soft blue lighting. Go for a blue lamp or lighting of softer colours such as lilac or violet.



How can I change my sleeping position during pregnancy?

Change the sleeping position during pregnancy slowly and carefully. Roll over to the side to get a comfortable position. If you are not comfortable sleeping on the left side, you can roll onto the right side.

What happens if you accidentally sleep on your back while pregnant?

A pregnant woman should avoid sleeping on the back all night. However, there is no need to panic if one rolls to the front or back during sleep.

Can we sit on the floor during pregnancy?

Yes, pregnant women can sit on the floor as long as they are comfortable.

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