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Vastu tips for Raksha Bandhan to strengthen your sibling bond

Vastu tips for Raksha Bandhan to strengthen your sibling bond

The Hindu festival of Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi, is celebrated across different parts of India to honour the brother-sister bond. The words Raksha Bandhan refer to the bond of protection. There are different rituals associated with this festival. Typically, sisters tie a sacred thread called Rakhi around their brothers’ wrists and pray for their well-being while brothers vow to protect their sisters. Vastu Shastra lays down certain rules that must be followed to ensure positivity.


Raksha Bandhan 2023 date

Raksha Bandhan is observed on Shravan Purnima or a full moon, the last day of the Hindu lunar calendar month of Shraavan.

Date: August 30, 2023

Day: Wednesday


Auspicious time to tie Rakhi 2023

Auspicious muhurat is available after Pradosh when Bhadra ends. According to the Hindu division of the day, the best time to tie a Rakhi on Raksha Bandhan is during the late afternoon, Aparahna. If this time is not available, then Pradosh time is ideal for performing the rituals on Raksha Bandhan.

Bhadra end time: 09:01 PM

Bhadra Punchha time: 05:30 PM to 06:31 PM

Bhadra Mukha time: 06:31 PM to 08:11 PM

Purnima Tithi: From 10:58 AM on Aug 30 to 07:05 AM on Aug 31, 2023

According to Vastu Shastra, one should note that Raksha Bandhan rituals should not be performed during Bhadra time. The Bhadra Kaal refers to the time when no auspicious work is done. Thus, one should avoid tying Rakhi during this time.


Avoid artificial things for Rakhi

You will find a variety of fancy Rakhis available in the market these days. However, according to Vastu Shastra, the Rakhi should not have any artificial thing. You can choose Rakhi made of materials such as silk thread, cotton thread, silver, gold, etc. Do not buy plastic Rakhis.


Rakhi colours and designs

Choose a Rakhi with a colour suitable for your brother based on his zodiac sign. Never choose black colour. Some auspicious colours such as orange, yellow and red colour. The Rakhi should contain auspicious symbols.


Which direction to face while tying Rakhi?

While tying a Rakhi on your brother’s wrist, make sure he faces east direction as this direction is considered auspicious and brings new opportunities.

Sisters can face the west direction while tying the Rakhi. Prepare the Rakhi thali with Diya, Rakhi, sweets, raw rice, and Kumkum. Now, perform the aarti and start by applying tilak with Roli, Akshat and Sandalwood (Chandan) on the brother’s forehead. Tie the Rakhi around the brother’s wrist and chant the mantra.

Raksha Bandhan rituals must not be done sitting on a sofa or chair. Choose a wooden chowki.


Raksha Bandhan Vastu tips


Vastu tips for Raksha Bandhan gifts

According to tradition, brothers give presents to their sisters after the Rakhi-tying ceremony. One should never gift sharp or thorny items as gifts. Even handkerchiefs and pens should not be given as presents. You can choose auspicious paintings such as seven-horse paintings, silver and gold jewellery, Laughing Buddha, fresh flowers, etc.


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