Social Life4.4/5
AmenitiesTenant | 2 years ago
Free wi-fi connectivity and a covered car parking facilities are available in this residential property. CCTV cameras are installed at the entrance to observe several security measures of the residents.
Owner | 2 years ago
SLN Greens is an amazing housing complex which is located in Bengaluru city. Nearby roads of this neighbourhood are clean and maintained to look good. The drainage system of this complex is also nice.
Owner | 2 years ago
Some offices and banks are found within 2 km. from the nearby areas of this residential property. On the other hand, a library is located within this area and some beauty salons are situated there.
Owner | 2 years ago
The rate of air pollution in this area is not so high which reduces several health issues. The rental charges for staying in any preferable apartments in this housing complex is reasonable.
Broker | 2 years ago
Public transports like autos and cabs are easily accessible from the neighbourhood of SLN Greens. The rate of transportation in this area is a bit high which is often problematic for the residents.