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Locality check: Ashoka Garden Bhopal

Locality check Ashoka Garden Bhopal

Ashoka Garden is a well-known residential neighbourhood , offering salubrious surroundings. The locality offers a great mix of residential structures, which range from independent houses to flats.  The locality also has a well developed social infrastructure due to the presence of stores, banks, hospitals, and schools. A network of roadways also connects the region to the rest of the city, making it simple to access other areas of Bhopal.

Overall, Bhopal’s Ashoka Garden is a well-liked residential neighbourhood that provides a quiet, economical living environment with simple access to essential utilities.


Ashoka Garden: How to reach?

By air: The Raja Bhoj Airport, which is around 18 km away from the location, is the closest airport to Ashoka Garden. To get to Ashoka Garden after landing at the airport, take a taxi or a bus.

By rail: Ashoka Garden is around 10 kilometres from the closest railway station, which is located at Bhopal Junction. To get to Ashoka Garden from the railway station, hire a taxi or an auto-rickshaw.

By road: Ashoka Garden is situated along National Highway 12, which links Bhopal to other significant cities in the nation. To go to Bhopal from several cities in Madhya Pradesh and other states, buses and taxis are available. To get to Ashoka Garden, one can take a bus or a taxi from the Bhopal bus station or train station.


Ashoka Garden: Features



What varieties of dwellings are offered at Ashoka Garden?

Apartments and standalone homes are among the residential buildings in Ashoka Garden, giving inhabitants a wide range of housing alternatives to pick from.

Are Ashoka Garden's connections to the rest of Bhopal good?

Yes, Ashoka Garden is easily accessible from other areas of Bhopal thanks to the city's extensive road system connecting it to the rest of the city. The region is also along National Highway 12, which links Bhopal to other significant cities across the nation.

Is Ashoka Garden a reasonably priced alternative for homes?

Yes, Ashoka Garden is an affordable alternative for anyone looking for homes in Bhopal because the properties there are competitively priced.

How far is the Bhopal Railway Station from Ashoka Garden?

About 10 kilometres separate the Bhopal Junction Railway Station and Ashoka Garden.

Is it safe to reside in Ashoka Garden?

Yes, Ashoka Garden is regarded as a residential neighbourhood in Bhopal with a low crime rate and a tranquil atmosphere.

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