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How to make a traffic challan payment?

How to make a traffic challan payment?

What is a traffic challan?

Challan means an invoice presented by a government official against a traffic offence. Moreover, a traffic challan is a document issued by the traffic police department to an individual for violating traffic rules. The traffic police department uses a traffic challan system to ensure people obey traffic rules for the safety of the people. The Indian judiciary system created several laws like Central Motor Vehicle Rules, Motor Vehicle Act, and State Motor Vehicle Rules to attain road safety.


Different types of traffic fines

Traffic rules offence Penalty (Rs.)
Rash driving (Section 184) 5,000
Road rules violation (Section 177A) 500
Disobeying authority orders (Section 179) 2,000
Over speeding (Section 183) 1,000 (LMV), 2,000 (MMV)
Without driving licence (Section 181) 5,000
Driving an unauthorised vehicle (Section 180) 5,000
Driving after disqualification (Section 182) 10,000
Drunk driving (Section 185) 10,000
Illegal racing (Section 189) 5,000
Vehicle without permit (Section 192 A) <= 10,000
Not wearing seat belt (Section 194 B) 1,000
Blocking emergency vehicle (Section 194 E) 10,000
Riding bikes without helmet  1,000 with licence disqualification for 3 years

When a driver breaks traffic laws, traffic police can cut a challan under the Indian Motor Vehicle Act. A list of offences is present above that are considered an offence under the Act.


What are your rights?

Living in the world’s biggest democracy, every citizen should know and exercise their rights regularly. Similarly, there are various rights that the Indian constitution provides under Motor Vehicle Laws. The various rights that an Indian citizen has are:

  1. Traffic police need to have an e-challan or challan at all times. If traffic police fail to produce challan, citizens cannot be penalised for their misdemeanour.   
  2. There is a misconception related to handing a driving licence to the traffic police. Under Section 130 of the Motor Vehicle Act, ‘the driver of a motor vehicle in any public place shall on demand by any police officer in uniform produce his licence, for examination.’ It means you need to produce your driving licence; you should not and need not hand over your driving licence to the police.
  3. If you fail to produce your licence or car registrations papers, your car will get detained.
  4. You can pay your fine at the traffic police booth and save your car from getting detained.
  5. Traffic police cannot detain your driving licence with challan.
  6. Traffic police can tow only empty vehicles that are parked wrongly. 
  7. After detention, you must appear before a magistrate within 24 hours for trial.
  8. You can file a complaint against the police for harassment with proof relating to the incident.


What information does traffic challan contain?


How to pay traffic fines in India?

There are two ways in which you can pay your traffic fines: online through the web portal and offline by visiting the traffic police station. 

Paying traffic fines online – ‘e-challan’ website




Paying traffic fines online – ‘State transport’ website

Paying traffic fines offline

When you receive a fine due letter, carry it with you to the nearest traffic police station. You will be directed to the concerned officer, who will tell you what you need to do in order to pay your fine. You should ask for any unsettled previous dues and pay them together. 



By when should you pay your fine?

You need to pay your fine within 60 days. If you fail to do so, you need to visit the court to make payment.

Can you pay e-challan from any part of the country?

Yes, you can pay your e-challan from any part of the country, but you must select the appropriate state.

What happens if I fail to submit all the documents when asked by the police?

You will be fined if you fail to submit all the necessary documents when asked by the police. Under the traffic rules, a driver needs to carry appropriate documents at all times.

Will I receive a receipt against challan payment?

Yes, an officer needs to give you a receipt against your challan payment.

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