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Bird’s Nest fern: Tips to grow and care

Bird's-nest fern

Bird’s Nest fern (Asplenium nidus) is a tropical, slow-growing, evergreen, perennial houseplant with glossy, attractive leaves and can live happily in many homes with only a little care. Native to tropical regions such as southeast Asia, Australia, east Africa, and Hawaii, given the right indoor environment, it will thrive and make for a wonderfully unique houseplant. It is distinguished by dramatic foliage that resembles banana leaves. 


See also: Garden roses: Facts and tips to grow


Bird’s Nest fern: Key facts

Common name Bird’s Nest fern, Nest fern
Botanical name Asplenium nidus
Family  Aspleniaceae 
Plant type Epiphyte, Fern, Perennial
Mature size 3-5 ft. tall, 2-3 ft. wide
Sun exposure Partial, shade
Soil type Loamy, moist, well-drained
Flower  No flower
Native Area Asia, Australia, Africa
Growth Rate Slow
Maintenance Medium
Leaf Description Light green, glossy, simple, strap-shaped, and wavy with a brown-black midrib. Fronds can reach lengths of 4-5 feet and a width of 8 inches.


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Bird’s Nest fern: Physical description

Source: Pinterest

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Types of Bird’s Nest fern

Asplenium Antiquum ‘Victoria’ is a native to tropical regions of Asia, Australia and the Pacific islands.


The Leslie is a houseplant and can tolerate low to bright indirect light.

Crispy wave

It is a popular houseplant as it is easy to care and can thrive in low to medium light conditions and tolerate dry air.


This is easy to grow and maintain and grows to a height of 15-21 inches.

How to grow Bird’s Nest fern?

All about the common jasmine

Bird’s Nest fern: Care

Source: Pinterest

see also about the common jasmine

Bird’s Nest fern: Uses 



Other uses

Source: Pinterest

Bird’s Nest fern: Is it toxic?

No toxic behaviour of this plant is recorded towards humans, cats, or dogs.


See also about: Indoor garden design


Are bird's nest ferns hard to take care of?

Bird's nest ferns are generally healthy plants and do not require much care. Just the right environment and boom, they flourish.

Do bird's nest ferns cleanse the air?

Yes! They have incredibly effective air-purifying qualities.

Do bird's nest ferns like small pots?

They grow gradually, and smaller pots work better for them than very large ones. A large container may hinder the plant's ability to obtain water properly, leading to health problems.




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