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15 paper wall hanging designs

15 easy DIY paper wall hanging ideas to beautify your home decor

Decorating your home doesn’t have to be an expensive affair. With a little creativity and some basic supplies, you can transform your living spaces into a hub of style and personality. One of the easiest, most affordable ways to do this is through paper wall hangings. Not only are they simple to make, but they also offer a plethora of design options to suit any taste. In this guide, we will explore 15 easy paper wall hanging designs that can add a touch of elegance and charm to your home.

See also: Wall Art Design: A list of incredible designs for your walls


Origami art


Source: Pinterest/Barbara Bennett


Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, can be used to create intricate designs that look sophisticated and chic. From delicate flowers to geometric shapes, the possibilities are endless. Hang these creations in clusters for a more dramatic effect.


Paper quilling magic

Source: Pinterest/sara de castro barona


Paper quilling involves rolling thin strips of paper into various shapes and designs. This technique can be used to make stunning wall art that showcases patterns, words, or images in a 3D format.


Colourful paper chains

Source: Pinterest/


Remember the paper chains you made as a child? Revive that nostalgic craft with a modern twist by using different colours and patterns. They are perfect for kids’ rooms or as festive decor.


Cut-out silhouettes

Source: Pinterest/ Twist Me Pretty | Abby Hoskins


Cut out silhouettes of your favourite animals, characters, or scenes from coloured paper. Arrange them creatively on your wall for a unique and personalised touch.


Tissue paper flowers

Source: Pinterest/Abbi Kirsten at CC Designs 


Large, fluffy tissue paper flowers can bring a lively pop of colour to any room. They are surprisingly easy to make and look gorgeous when grouped together.


Paper mache wall art

Source: Pinterest/


This versatile medium allows you to create textured, three-dimensional pieces that are truly one-of-a-kind.


Layered paper scenes

Source: Pinterest/Brittany Jepsen 


Create depth and intrigue by layering different colours and shapes of paper. This can produce a stunning, multi-dimensional effect that adds sophistication to your decor.


Geometric paper panels

Source: Pinterest/Sweet Peas & Saffron


For a more modern look, try making geometric patterns with paper. This can be as simple as creating triangles, squares, or hexagons and arranging them in a visually pleasing way.


Paper lanterns

Source: Pinterest/Dollar Tree


Add some soft lighting to your room with handmade paper lanterns. Whether hanging individually or in clusters, they can create a warm, inviting ambience.


Scrapbook paper wall art

Source: Pinterest/


Use scrapbook paper to create a collage or a large, statement piece. The variety of designs available makes this a versatile option for any room.


Paper pinwheels

Source: Pinterest/Art Bar


Pinwheels are not just for gardens; they can also be a whimsical addition to your indoor space. Make them in different sizes and colours for a playful effect.


Newspaper art

Source: Pinterest/Whats Ur Home Story


Recycle old newspapers into art. You can create a monochromatic look or paint over them for a splash of colour.


Handmade paper tapestry

Source: Pinterest/Etsy 


Create a tapestry-like piece using handmade paper. This can add a rustic or bohemian feel to your space.


Paper garland

Source: Pinterest/Woo! Jr. Kids Activities


String together shapes or pom-poms made of paper to create a charming garland. This can be draped across walls or windows.


3D paper sculptures

Source: Pinterest/manoko


Experiment with creating 3D sculptures out of paper. These can range from simple geometric shapes to more complex figures, depending on your skill level.


Tips for making your paper wall hangings last

  1. Use high-quality paper to ensure longevity.
  2. Consider laminating or using a clear varnish to protect against dust and fading.
  3. Use non-damaging wall adhesives to avoid marks on your walls.



What basic materials do I need for creating paper wall hangings?

Most paper wall-hanging projects require basic materials like construction paper, origami paper, scissors, glue, tape, string, and sometimes additional items like beads or sequins for decoration. The specific materials can vary depending on the design you choose.

Are these paper wall-hanging projects suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Most of the designs in our list are beginner-friendly and don't require any advanced crafting skills. They come with simple instructions that are easy to follow.

How long does it take to make a paper wall-hanging?

The time it takes can vary depending on the complexity of the design. Simple projects like paper chains or cut-out silhouettes can be completed in under an hour, while more intricate designs like paper quilling or origami art may take several hours or more.

Can I use recycled paper for these projects?

Yes, using recycled paper is a great idea! Newspaper art, for example, is a creative way to repurpose old newspapers. Just make sure the paper is sturdy enough for the design you are planning to create.

How do I preserve and maintain my paper wall hangings?

To preserve your paper wall hangings, keep them away from direct sunlight and moisture. You can also laminate them or apply a clear protective coating. Dust them gently and regularly to keep them looking fresh.

Are paper wall hangings safe to use in children's rooms?

Paper wall hangings can be safe for children's rooms, but ensure they are securely fastened and out of reach if they contain small parts or delicate designs. Also, avoid using toxic adhesives or materials.

Can I create large-scale paper wall hangings for big walls?

Yes, you can create large-scale designs by either making bigger individual elements or by combining multiple smaller pieces into a larger arrangement. Make sure your wall can support the size and weight of the hanging.

How to attach paper wall hangings to the wall without damaging the paint?

Use wall-safe adhesives like removable double-sided tape, sticky tack, or hooks that are designed for temporary and damage-free hanging.

Can paper wall hangings be used for party decorations?

Definitely! Paper wall hangings like garlands, lanterns, and flowers are perfect for party decorations. They can be customized to fit any theme and are a budget-friendly way to add a festive touch.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at
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