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Vastu tips for selling a property

Vastu tips for selling a property

Most people consider Vastu Shastra principles when buying a property. According to this ancient system of architecture, a house receives cosmic energies, which can be positive or negative. Ensuring the proper layout and the right arrangement of different elements in a structure promotes positivity. Similarly, if one is planning to sell their house, Vastu can play a major role in ensuring a successful deal.


Why should you consider Vastu for a property sale?

Purchasing a property is a significant investment for people. Nowadays, homebuyers look for various factors when looking for a home, such as location, price, etc. There is a high preference for Vastu-compliant properties. Such homes have a higher resale value. Moreover, a Vastu-friendly house design ensures prosperity and the flow of positive energies.


Keep the north and northeast corner clean

Make sure to keep the north and northeast sections of the house clean and clutter-free. This area is associated with the lord of wealth, Kuber, and the planet Jupiter. Following these tips brings maximum financial gain when selling the house.


Check the main entrance door

The main door is the key point from where energy enter a house. Make sure the door handle and lock are in proper condition before selling the property. Add a new coat of paint to give it a new look.


Keep the house exterior attractive

While you focus on maintaining the interiors of a house, you should not neglect the house exteriors. Go for interesting exterior designs with a fresh coat of paint and a well-maintained landscape. Place plants outside the entrance to make the space look beautiful.


Energise the south zone

The south zone should be energised. Make sure to keep the area well-lit. Moreover, planets such as Saturn play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth property deal.


Remove clutter

Discard unwanted or broken items. Also, ensure to keep the house neat and clean. Do not keep items such as dark drapes and thick curtains that may block sunlight. A house should be designed to ensure maximum sunlight and invite positive energies.


Keep the house in good condition

Before selling a house, it is important to check if there are any repairs required. Make sure furniture, bathroom fittings, doors and windows, etc., are in good condition. Creaky doors, damaged tiles or non-functional light fixtures must be immediately replaced. These measures can help attract prospective buyers.


Avoid dampness

Pay attention to areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. Make sure there is no excess dampness, as it can create negative energies in the house. This can be one of the factors that could impact a homebuyer’s decision.


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