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Printed Wall Design Ideas for you to consider

Wall print designs to transform your home

Printed wall designs are a trend in interior design if you want to remodel your area completely. With high-quality, large-scale, and fully customisable patterns for your house, wall printing allows you to transform your living space entirely. It is an easy and quick method to add a personal and distinctive touch to your home, and the options are unlimited. 

Wall print designs are the creative solution you need if you want to add colour and depth to an uninspired area of your home or if you need something bold to capture the eye.


9 Best wall print designs for your home

1. Silhouette wall print design

A silhouette is the representation of a person, animal, object, or scene as a solid shape of a single colour with edges that match the subject’s contour. Typically, the painting is black on a light background. These are the simplest designs to print, whether they are small or large.

Source: Pinterest

see also about: wall printing design

2. A mural of pop art

Pop art that is bright and colourful will give your walls an appearance that is both dynamic and cool. This is the perfect kind of art to print on your walls if you have a passion for social gatherings, travelling, meeting new people, and listening to music.

Source: Pinterest


3. Quirky art

Quirky art is not art that is very astute aesthetically, but it is nevertheless endearing, and it causes one to ponder important questions. It is humorous and unusual. You are free to colour in the style of your choice, whether you choose to work in monochrome or full of colour.

Source: Pinterest


4. Classical art

If you have a deep appreciation for the traditional arts of your community and you want to show it off on your walls, you should consider adding a touch of one of these styles. The appearance of the décor is given a vintage or antique quality by the use of certain patterns or motifs. They are typically rather comprehensive, but you can begin with some of the simpler ones, such as Warli or Gond art if you want to test out your skills.

Source: Pinterest


5. Cartoons

Who doesn’t enjoy a funny cartoon once in a while? Even more so when they are consistently adorable and hilarious. You can print one in your living space to provide an instant mood boost. The children’s rooms that have their favourite cartoons printed on them will always be a source of delight for them.

Source: Pinterest


6. Geometric

Geometric patterns are the way to go if you’re looking for a clean and well-balanced layout in your design. Depending on the colours and the size that you employ, they can either be striking or understated. They lend a highly contemporary air to the appearance of your living area.

Source: Pinterest


7. Printing of outdoors

Both bohemian spaces and bibliographies are current trends, and recent years have seen a proliferation of the usage of natural components in both of these areas. It’s almost like bringing the great outdoors inside. A touch of green will never fail to perk up the decor. Hippie art can be painted to be subtle, like tropical leaves or Scandinavian design, or it can look strong and flamboyant like hippie art.

Source: Pinterest


8. Memento maps as a design element in a wall printing

This is for everyone who enjoys going on adventures! A fantastic idea for a piece of wall painting art is to make use of memento maps and highlight all of the locations that you have travelled to in the past.

Source: Pinterest


09. Wall print with floral patterns for the bedroom

Wallpapers are always wonderful options to go with when you are unsure about the design of wall art. If you are looking for large wall art ideas, consider selecting a wallpaper with a straightforward floral pattern to maintain an elegant appearance.

Source: Pinterest


Expense analysis

Your financial status dictates every aspect of your life, no matter how huge or small. Due to this, it is of the utmost necessity to undertake a cost analysis and analyse your wish for a wall print in advance.

You could get wall prints in India that are either the conventional 57 square foot (sqft) size or 75 sqft in size. The price of a single roll might range anywhere from Rs 3,000 to Rs 10,000, depending on the variation that you select. The cost of installation could range anywhere from Rs 200 to Rs 500 per roll, depending on the particular contractor that you hire to carry out the task for you.


#Tips to maintain your wall print



What type of material is utilised to create wall stencils?

Mylar is the most preferred stencil material for virtually any application since it is so durable and possesses qualities that other stencil media just do not.

Which paint is used for stencilling?

Many craftsmen believe that acrylic paint is the greatest stencil paint due to its versatility, ease of use, and low cost.



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