Rent property in the heart of Pune city. Security charges of Rs is applicable. It is one of the most desired location to rent a home. Check out this property in . Property for rent available at unbeatable price in Viman Nagar, check out now. This property comes with a 2 months months lock-in period. Check out this affordable property which comes with @dining_table, washing machine, fridge. It is a gated community and has provision for etc. available for personal use. available for all residents. 24-hour None available with this rented property. Ideal for families with proper cctv facility. This property is in walking distance from DEVI RATNA MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL, Kohakade Hospital, Agarwal Maternity & General Hospital- Best Multispecialty Hospital Kharadi Pune. Five minutes' drive from city's best school, that is .Collapse...