Rent property in the heart of Mumbai city. One month's rent, which is Rs will be collected as security charges. Affordable rental property available in Powai, check out now. Check this project for some of the most beautiful and value for money properties. Property available on rent . There is a lock-in period of 6 months months. This property is ready to move in and is equipped with all basic amenities such as etc. Contact for more information. The housing project has 24/7 surveilance. Round the clock None available with this big, sprawling property. In-house for all tenants. It is a and has provision for etc. Separate for staff and servants. Very close to city's best hospital, that is, CuddlesNCare Pediatric Hospital and NICU, Healthspring Powai, Millat Hospital. Families opting for this location have the benefit of choosing among the many schools that are in the vicinity such as etc.Collapse...
0.3 km from Tunga Village