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Top 10 indoor plants that release oxygen at night

Top 10 indoor plants that release oxygen at night

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and pollution are common, creating a tranquil and healthy indoor environment has become more essential than ever. While we often focus on the aesthetic appeal of indoor plants, their ability to purify air and release oxygen is equally noteworthy. Among these botanical air purifiers, certain plants stand out for their unique trait of releasing oxygen even during the night, contributing to better sleep quality and overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore the top indoor plants renowned for their nocturnal oxygen-releasing properties, offering not just greenery but also a breath of fresh air while you slumber.

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List of indoor plants that release oxygen at night

Here is a list of some of the best plants for home that release oxygen at night.


Snake plant

Snake plant stands as one of the leading indoor plants renowned for releasing oxygen during the night. Also referred to as mother-in-law’s tongue, it’s readily accessible at plant nurseries. This plant features an upright, straight growth pattern and effectively absorbs formaldehyde and carbon dioxide from air, contributing to cleaner indoor air quality. Furthermore, the Snake plant is low maintenance, requiring infrequent watering, making it an effortless addition to any indoor space.


Source: Gardener’s Path (Pinterest)


Areca Palm

One of the finest options for indoor greenery, Areca Palms thrive even in low-light conditions, hailing from dense tropical forests. Not only does it purify air by absorbing harmful gases like formaldehyde and benzene, but it also maintains humidity level, making it especially beneficial for individuals with sinus issues. Moreover, its ability to release oxygen during the night aids in enhancing breathing patterns, promoting better sleep quality.


Source: Balcony Garden Web (Pinterest)


Aloe vera

Aloe Vera, often hailed as the “god of plants”, offers a plethora of benefits. Apart from its medicinal properties, it also acts as a natural air purifier, effectively removing pollutants from the household. Further, Aloe Vera releases oxygen not only during the day but also throughout the night. However, it’s essential to avoid overwatering this plant as it can lead to root damage.


Source: Succulents Network (Pinterest)



Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil, is another addition to the roster of plants that release oxygen during the night. Not only does it emit a distinct aroma known for its calming effect on the nerves, but it also aids in reducing anxiety levels. Keeping a Tulsi plant indoors, in the balcony, or near a window can significantly improve sleep quality. Additionally, consuming Tulsi leaves offers various health benefits, including fever relief, alleviating common cold symptoms, and enhancing memory function.


Source: Homemade Health Guru (Pinterest)


Money plant

Another prevalent household plant is Money Plant, also referred to as the Pothos plant. Surprisingly, not many are aware that the Money Plant also emits oxygen throughout the night. Opting to grow Money Plant is beneficial as it thrives in indirect sunlight and is believed to bring good fortune and prosperity.


Source: (Pinterest)


Peace Lily

Recognised as an exceptional air purifier by NASA, the Peace Lily releases oxygen during the night. Among the best in purifying volatile organic compounds in air, including benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, carbon monoxide, and xylene, the Peace Lily stands out. Moreover, it is known to elevate room humidity by up to 5%, which promotes better breathing during sleep. To thrive, it prefers medium, indirect light and should only be watered when the soil is dry.


Source: Pinterest


Orchid plant

Orchid Plant serves as a stunning and thoughtful choice for a housewarming present. Not only does it enhance the freshness and breathability of the room, but it also absorbs xylene pollutants and emits oxygen during the night. This plant thrives in dry soil and is simple to cultivate. Whether placed anywhere in room, it effortlessly adds genuine beauty to the space.


Source: The Spruce (Pinterest)


Spider plant

The plant earns its name due to the resemblance of its leaves to spider legs. Its presence aids in increasing oxygen levels and filtering out harmful volatile compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide, facilitating easier breathing in the evening. Optimal growth for the spider plant is achieved with well-drained soil and bright, indirect light. Care should be taken to avoid over-watering to prevent root rot.


Source: Garden Goods Direct (Pinterest)


Gerbera plant

Gerbera Plant, known for its vibrant flowers, symbolises purity, innocence, and cheerfulness. This plant also releases oxygen during the night, contributing to a fresh environment. Placing a Gerbera Plant in your bedroom or living room ensures continuous access to fresh air. While it is an annual plant, under suitable conditions, it can thrive for up to two years.


Source: Martha Stewart (Pinterest)


Rubber plant

Rubber plant is renowned for its ability to release abundant oxygen, making it one of the top indoor oxygen-producing plants, both day and night. Also referred to as Ficus Elastica or rubber fig, this plant enhances indoor space with its lush green foliage, often tinged with red hues. It thrives in dry conditions and contributes to increased humidity levels. Believed to purify air by eliminating toxins, the Rubber plant offers additional benefits such as improved sleep, enhanced concentration, and reduced anxiety.


Source: balcony Garden Web (Pinterest)


How do these plants release oxygen at night?

Some indoor plants possess unique adaptations enabling them to release oxygen at night. A crucial factor in this process is the role of stomata. Stomata are tiny pores on the surface of plant leaves facilitating gas exchange, including oxygen and carbon dioxide. In daylight, stomata open to intake carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Conversely, during nights without sunlight, stomata close to conserve water and limit transpiration. This closure results in the buildup of oxygen within the plant, subsequently released into the surrounding environment.


Benefits of indoor plants that release oxygen at night

Indoor plants that release oxygen at night can offer several benefits to your indoor environment. POV

Indoor plants that release oxygen at night offer a range of benefits for your indoor environment. From purifying the air to promoting better sleep quality and enhancing overall well-being, these plants play a crucial role in creating a healthier and more tranquil indoor space. By targeting pollutants, calming the nervous system, and adding a touch of natural decor, these plants contribute to a more enjoyable and inviting atmosphere in your home. Consider adding some of these oxygen-producing plants to your indoor space to experience their numerous benefits.



Which indoor plants release oxygen at night?

Several indoor plants release oxygen during the night, including Snake plants, Areca Palms, Aloe Vera, Tulsi (Holy Basil), Money plants, Peace Lilies, Orchids, Spider plants, Gerbera plants, and Rubber plants.

How do indoor plants release oxygen at night?

Indoor plants release oxygen at night through a process facilitated by stomata, tiny pores on their leaves' surface. During the day, stomata open to absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. At night, when there is no sunlight, stomata close to conserve water, leading to the accumulation and release of oxygen.

What are the benefits of indoor plants that release oxygen at night?

Indoor plants that release oxygen at night have numerous benefits, such as purifying the air by targeting pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde, promoting better sleep quality, calming the nervous system, enhancing relaxation, and creating a soothing atmosphere in indoor space.

How can I care for indoor plants that release oxygen at night?

To care for indoor plants that release oxygen at night, provide them with adequate indirect sunlight, water them as per their specific requirements (avoid overwatering), and ensure they are placed in well-drained soil. Regularly dusting their leaves and monitoring for signs of pests or diseases is also recommended.

Can indoor plants improve indoor air quality?

Yes, indoor plants, including those that release oxygen at night, can improve indoor air quality by absorbing harmful pollutants and releasing oxygen. They act as natural air purifiers, contributing to a healthier and more pleasant indoor environment.

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