Striped Barbados Lily exotic flowers: Know how to grow them indoors and outdoors and benefits

Read on to know all about Striped Barbados lily and how to grow this houseplant at home.

What are Striped Barbados lily?

Striped Barbados lily is an extremely rare indoor plant that requires consistent watering to survive. They should be less than one foot from a window and work best in continuous, direct light. The plant prefers soil with good drainage. During the busiest growing season, you might want to supplement with a mild organic fertiliser.

The flowers of Barbados lilies are trumpet-shaped, and the blooms appear in pairs on a stalk and remain for four to seven days. Bees and butterflies are drawn to the Barbados lily’s aromatic blossoms.

Striped Barbados lily: Facts, how to grow and maintain, and uses

Source: Pinterest

Importance of Striped Barbados Lily

Lily flower stands for purity, innocence and rebirth in some of the religious scriptures. Striped Barbados Lily, one of the many varieties of lily is importantly known for its medicinal properties.

Striped Barbados lily: Quick facts

Scientific name Hippeastrum striatum
Genus Hippeastrum
Family Amaryllidaceae
Mature Size Up to 1 to 1.5 feet or 12 to 18 inches.
Sunlight Bright indirect light
Water Low need for water
Origin South America


Can Striped Barbados Lily be grown at home? 

Yes, it can be grown at home, both indoors and outdoors on the verandah.

Gardening outside

Barbados lily requires at least four to six hours of diffused natural light because it can grow in bright indirect light (ideally 6 hours).

If growing striped Barbados lily outdoors in your verandah, you should choose a location that receives morning sunlight that isn’t too severe and afternoon shade for most natural light. The areas of your garden that face east will receive more morning sun.

Gardening inside

If cultivating inside your home, plant close to an east-facing window that will provide morning sun for most of the day and afternoon shade. You can also think about positioning a few feet away from a south-facing window for diffused light. Remember that placing plants in direct sunlight from a south-facing window will stunt development and cause leaf scorching. A sheer curtain can be used to soften the glaring light coming in from a South-facing window.


How to get a Barbados lily to bloom again?

  • When your Amaryllis plant’s flowers begin to wilt, trim them off at the stem’s top, but leave the stem’s leaves intact.
  • Maintain a light location for your plant and keep watering it as necessary.
  • Cut the stems back to the top of the bulb as they start to droop.
  • Allowing the leaves to grow and continuing to water and fertilise throughout the summer will nurture the bulb.
  • Trim the plant back to approximately 2′′ from the top of the bulb when the leaves begin to turn yellow. Typically, this occurs in the early fall.
  • Take the bulb out of the ground. For at least six weeks, clean the bulb and keep it in a cool, dark location between 40° and 50°F (4.4° and 10.0°C). If there are no apples inside the refrigerator, it is fine. Apples kill amaryllis bulbs and stop them from sprouting new leaves.
  • Replant the bulbs after some time and then relocate your amaryllis to a warm, sunny location. Eight weeks before when you want the bulbs to bloom, plant the bulbs. An amaryllis will take longer to rebook in the winter than it will in the spring.


Striped Barbados Lily: Maintenance tips

  • Use rich soil for the plant
  • Fertilise the plant as and when required
  • Provide adequate sun to the plant
  • Do moderate watering
  • Apply mulch
  • Pluck out the wilted stem

Water requirements for striped Barbados lily

When it comes to skipping a watering day, the lily is quite tolerant. These plants do not need a lot of supervision.

It is crucial to let the majority of the soil dry between waterings for striped Barbados lily. Avoid overwatering your plant as this might result in pest infestations and fungus diseases like root rot.

Striped Barbados lily: Facts, how to grow and maintain, and uses

Source: Pinterest


What are the benefits of Striped Barbados Lily?

The bulb is used as a remedy for respiratory conditions, including asthma and bronchitis, as well as for constipation. Galanthamine and Lycorine are two phytochemicals that are present. Fresh bulbs are used in India to treat tumours and piles as well as to mend wounds.



How frequently should striped Barbados lily be watered?

Although it needs to be watered frequently, striped Barbados lily prefers for the soil to dry out between irrigations.

How should the soil be for striped Barbados lily?

The striped Barbados lily grows best in soil that drains well. Healthy soil will include a lot of organic material, such as coco coir, and drainage-enhancing materials like perlite or vermiculite. It should work if you mix some perlite into standard potting soil from the supermarket.


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