Tulsi for homes: Care guide

Bring home the goodness of Tulsi plant home with these tips.

In Indian households, Tulsi or the Holy Basil plant is highly valued for its religious importance, medicinal properties and culinary uses. It is also believed to be the harbinger of positivity according to Vastu. Several Indian households have a tulsi plant placed in their yard that is worshipped daily. Read on to find out more about this all-important plant and how to reap its benefits for your home.

See also: Basil Patta How to Grow and Maintain Tips


Types of Tulsi plants

Botanically called Ocimum, the Tulsi or Holy Basil is of several types. Here are its mains varieties:

Rama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)

This green-leaved variety of Tulsi is known for its cooling properties. Taste wise, it is a milder variety that makes it suitable for everyday culinary and medicinal uses. This variety is widely used in teas, herbal remedies and Ayurvedic preparations.

Krishna Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Featuring dark purple to black leaves, this variety has a mildly spicy and sharp flavour. Possessing highly potent medicinal properties, it is particularly beneficial for those suffering from respiratory ailments. The uses of this variety of Tulsi range from herbal teas and extracts to essential oils.

Vana Tulsi (Ocimum gratissimum)

Literally meaning wild or forest Tulsi, this variety is characterised by its light green leaves with a strong aroma resembling that of cloves. It is not a cultivated variety and can be easily found growing on its own in several regions of India. Vana Tulsi is known for its powerful antimicrobial and adaptogenic properties.

Amrita Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Amrita Tulsi or Temperate Tulsi is the hybrid that brings together the properties of both Rama and Krishna Tulsi. This variety bears light purple flowers and possesses superior adaptogenic properties that help the body adapt to stress. It is widely used as an ingredient in various Ayurvedic formulations and promotes overall health and well-being.


Benefits of having Tulsi plant at home

The beneficial properties of Tulsi plants are highly valued in households. Following are the main benefits of having a Tulsi plant at home:

Air purification

Tulsi plants have high antimicrobial properties. This, combined with their ability of air purification, can help remove toxins and pollutants from the air. It can improve the indoor air quality and can be particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from respiratory illnesses by promoting better respiratory health.

Natural insect repellent

Since Tulsi plants have a strong aroma, their leaves can act as a natural pest and insect repellent. Having a Tulsi plant at home can significantly deter mosquitoes, flies and other insects from entering your home and help maintain proper hygiene.

Medicinal properties

In traditional medicine, Tulsi is a highly valued ingredient for the numerous health benefits it provides. Rich in antioxidants and essential oils, it is believed to boost immunity, promote digestion, relieve stress, alleviate respiratory conditions and provide relief from coughs, colds and sore throats.

Spiritual significance

Tulsi holds significant spiritual and cultural importance in Hinduism. Establishing a sacred space for a Tulsi plant and worshipping it is believed to bring positive energy and spiritual blessings into the household that fosters well-being and mutual harmony among family members.

Culinary use

Using fresh Tulsi leaves as a spice in cooking can add flavour and aroma to various dishes. It is widely used in soups, salads, teas and curries for enhancing the taste and nutritional value of the dish.

Aesthetic appeal

With their vibrant green leaves and aromatic scent, Tulsi plants can prove to be an attractive addition to both indoor and outdoor spaces. They can add the perfect touch of beauty and serenity to your home environment.

Low maintenance

Easy to grow and requiring minimal maintenance, Tulsi plants are ideal for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike. Similarly, it is also perfect for busy individuals looking for an easy way to add a touch of green to their living spaces.


Which Tulsi plant is most suitable for homes?

If you are looking to get home a Tulsi plant to incorporate its beneficial properties in your daily lives, it is recommended that you go for the Rama Tulsi variety. Read on to find out why is this variety the most suited for homes:

  • Ease of growth: It is relatively easy to grow than the other varieties and can thrive both indoors and outdoors. It can easily be grown in pots and containers, making it an ideal choice for home gardening.
  • Mild flavour: Its flavour is not as strong as its counterparts. The mild flavour makes it more suited for culinary use and herbal teas.
  • Adaptability: Rama Tulsi can adapt well to different kinds of growing conditions. Minor fluctuations in light, temperature and humidity can be easily overlooked, making it conducive for home environments.
  • Versatility: The applications of Rama Tulsi are various, ranging from culinary and medicinal to spiritual. It is widely used in herbal teas and Ayurvedic formulations.


Maintenance tips

While Tulsi plants are resilient and have the ability to thrive with minimal maintenance, it is essential to keep in mind a few tips to make the most out of the beneficial properties of this plant. Here is how you can keep your Tulsi plant in the best of health:


Although Tulsi plants can thrive in low light, make sure the placement of the plant is such that it receives plenty of direct sunlight for best results. At least 6 – 8 hours of direct sunlight is must to maintain optimal health of the plant.


Water the plant daily. The surrounding soil must be kept consistently moist but it is necessary to ensure proper drainage to prevent waterlogging. A thumb rule to prevent overwatering is to allow the top inch of the soil to dry out before watering again.

Well-draining soil

Waterlogging of the soil can lead to root rot. To avoid this, it is recommended to use well-draining soil. You can enhance the drainage properties of your garden or potting soil by mixing it with some perlite or sand.


Fertilising your Tulsi plant once every month is recommended during spring and summers. This process can be avoided during the winter months when growth is dormant. For best results, consider using a balanced liquid fertiliser diluted to half strength.


Regular pinching back or pruning of the growing tips of the plant can encourage bushier growth and prevent it from becoming leggy. Moreover, this process also enhances air circulation and reduces the risk of diseases.

Pest control

Regularly inspect the plant for common pest infestation such as aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. These infestations mostly occur on the underside of the leaves. Promptly treat any infestations using insecticidal soap or neem oil.

Protection from harsh weather

If planted outdoors, the plant needs to be protected from extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rain or frost. It is recommended to bring the potted plant indoors during cold winter months, especially if the temperature drops below 10°C.


Harvesting the leaves regularly not only promotes application for culinary or medicinal purposes, but also encourages new growth and maintenance of proper plant health. You can pinch off individual leaves or prune the stems as needed but avoid excessive harvesting as it can stress the plant.



How do I care for my Tulsi plants indoors?

Plenty of sunlight, regular watering, well-draining soil and occasional fertilisation during the growth season can ensure optimal plant growth indoors.

Can I grow Tulsi year-round?

Tulsi can be grown all year round as long as it receives the adequate conditions and proper care. Supplementing the sunlight might be necessary in some cases.

How often should I water my Tulsi plant?

Consider watering your Tulsi plant whenever the top inch of the soil feels dry to touch. Avoid over watering as it can cause root rot.

What temperature is ideal for Tulsi plants?

Tulsi plants thrive best between 18°C to 32°C. Consider protecting your plants from direct exposure to extreme heat or frost.

Are Tulsi leaves edible?

Tulsi leaves are edible and are commonly used to add flavour and aroma to soups, salads, teas and curries. They are also used in Ayurvedic medicines.

How can I propagate my Tulsi plant?

Tulsi plants can be propagated in various ways, including seeds, cuttings or by division.

What is the cultural and spiritual significance of Tulsi?

Tulsi is sacred in Hinduism and holds great spiritual significance. It is believed to bring home positive energy and protection to the household.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at jhumur.ghosh1@housing.com
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