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Rajasthan Shramik Card 2022: Online registration, eligibility and scheme details

A labour card is provided to individuals employed in the country’s unorganised sector. These workers are eligible to receive benefits from the government. With the assistance of the Rajasthan Labour Card, workers can participate in government programs and get benefits from them.

 The government of Rajasthan has initiated the Shramik Card Rajasthan program to provide monetary help to all the low-income households in the state.


Rajasthan Shramik Card

The government of Rajasthan has initiated the Shramik Card Rajasthan Scheme to extend various kinds of advantages to the employees of the state. Under the terms of this program, every worker in the state will be provided with the opportunity to have a Labour Card or majdur card through the e Shramik portal. Those families supported by labour will be eligible for aid from a variety of government programmes, including housing, insurance, health care plan, Shubh Shakti Yojana, and maternity assistance, amongst others.

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What is the purpose of the Shramik Card Rajasthan  / Majdur Card?

Employees of the informal sector are eligible to submit an application for a labour card. With the assistance of the Shramik Card Rajasthan, workers are able to benefit from the large number of welfare programmes by the central and state governments.

With the use of the labour card, workers are able to get advantages like healthcare coverage, a children’s scholarship programme, medical emergency treatment, and insurance, among other things. It also helps the government understand the total number of people working in the unorganised sector in their state.


Types of schemes launched under Labour Card for Rajasthan workers

Shubh Shakti Yojana

A programme called Shubh Shakti Yojana has been initiated for those working in the building and other construction industries. Beneficiaries who are single and have unmarried adult daughters will get support and encouragement to develop their potential, become financially independent, and launch their own businesses as a result of this programme. Beginning on January 1, 2016, this strategy will be put into effect. Beneficiaries will each get a reward of 55,000 as part of this programme.

Construction worker life and future security plan

Building employees and those employed in related construction fields are eligible for this programme. Beneficiaries enrolled in this division will be eligible to receive benefits from an insurance and pension programme that will be supplied through this scheme. The Atal Pension Yojana, the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, and the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana contribute to the provision of this benefit. Beginning on January 1, 2016, this plan would be carried out over the entirety of the state.

Construction Workers Education and Skill Development Scheme

The state government of Rajasthan has initiated a programme called the Construction Workers Education as well as the Skill Development Scheme with the intention of assisting the children of people employed in the building and other construction industries. The Education Assistance Scheme, the Cash Reward Scheme to Meritorious Students, and the Kaushal Shakti Yojana will all be combined into one programme thanks to this program’s integration of the three programmes. The children of the recipients will be encouraged to further their education and improve their skills as a result of the integration of these three programmes.

Construction Workers Accessible Housing Scheme

As part of this programme, the Board will make financial assistance available to the building and other construction employees to purchase dwellings or construct homes on pieces of land that they own. This grant will be given to the beneficiaries who are eligible under the Housing for All Objective of the Central Government or the Affordable Housing Scheme of the Government or the Chief Minister Jan Awas Yojana or any other housing scheme of the Central / State in place of different programmes of the Board.

Scheme for reimbursement of expenditure on critical illnesses for construction workers

In the event that a construction worker suffers from a serious disease while working on a construction project and this plan is put into effect, the Department of Labour would be responsible for covering the associated medical costs. Only those employees who are registered in accordance with Section 12 of the Act and have such identity cards in accordance with Section 13 shall be eligible to receive the benefits. The expenditures incurred by the hospital, such as medical care,lodging and board, will be covered.

Maternity Assistance Scheme

This programme is designed specifically with providing benefits to the female construction labourers in mind. In the event that they give birth, they will be eligible to receive financial support. Only working women who are beneficiaries registered in accordance with Section 12 of the Act and who have a Beneficiary Identity Card issued in accordance with Section 13 of the Act shall be eligible to receive the benefits of this programme.

Scheme for reimbursement of expenditure on visas to construction workers for employment abroad

Under the terms of this programme, the Board will reimburse construction employees for up to Rs 5,000 of their out-of-pocket costs associated with obtaining a VISA if they are successful in finding employment in a foreign nation. Building and other construction employees qualify to receive the benefits of this programme. In order to qualify, workers must be registered as beneficiary officers in the division in accordance with section 12 of the Act and must regularly deposit their contributions.

Incentive scheme for construction workers international sports competition

Workers and their children would be given the opportunity to engage in a variety of international sports. Under this plan, you will get a payment of Rs 2,00,000 simply for taking part in the competition; Rs 5,00,000 for winning a bronze medal; Rs 8,00,000 for winning a silver medal; and a whopping Rs 11,00,000 for winning a gold medal. The beneficiary must submit an online application in order to be eligible for this program’s benefits.

Preliminary scheme organised by construction workers and their dependent children for Indian / Rajasthan Administrative Service

By means of this programme, eligible beneficiaries will receive monetary assistance in the amount of Rs 1,00,000 upon passing the preliminary examination for the Indian Administrative Service. The same beneficiaries will receive Rs 50,000 upon passing the preliminary examination for the Rajasthan Administrative Service. Only those building workers and other construction employees will be allowed to benefit from this plan who are prohibited from receiving benefits under section 12 of the Act as just a beneficiary within the division and also who make timely contributions to the plan. 

Interest recharge scheme on a business loan for construction workers

The state government of Rajasthan has initiated this program specifically for the people who work in the construction industry. The Board will pay the recipients’ interest on the loans up to the maximum of Rs 5,00,000 that they receive under this programme. The maximum loan amount is 500,000. Only the interest accrued on the commercial loan would be paid back according to the terms of this plan.

Re-filling scheme of tuition fee on getting IIT IIM admission of construction workers ‘ son and daughter

Tuition fees will be covered for the children of all registered stakeholders if it turns out that the offspring of construction workers have been accepted to the most prestigious educational institutions, such as IITs and IIMs. Only building and other construction employees who really are registered in the division under section 12 of the Act and also who regularly pay their contribution will be eligible to receive the benefits of this plan.

All about: e shram card

Eligibility of the schemes launched for the workers of Rajasthan

Shubh Shakti Yojana

Either parent or both must be registered with the board for a minimum of one year to benefit. A monetary incentive will be offered to the beneficiary’s maximum of two daughters or to the female beneficiary and one of her daughters, whichever occurs first. The female beneficiary must not be married, or her daughter must be at least 18 years old. At a minimum, the candidate should have completed class VIII successfully. The applicant is required to demonstrate possession of a checking and/or savings bank account. The beneficiary must have worked in the construction industry for at least ninety days during the twelve months prior to receiving the benefit. Those young women who have previously benefited from Mandal’s marriage aid program will not be eligible to make use of this program’s provisions.

Construction worker life and future security plan

The worker must be registered with the labour board as a beneficiary to receive benefits. The applicant has to demonstrate that they have sufficient funds saved up in a bank account. The applicant has to be qualified to receive benefits from the Atal Pension Yojana, the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, and the Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana. In each of these programmes, the applicant is required to provide their informed permission before having the contribution or premium amount deducted. In accordance with these plans, the participant’s personal savings account needs to have the yearly contribution or premium quantity withdrawn from it.

Construction Workers Education and Skill Development Scheme

The board requires the applicant to show proof of being registered as a labourer. The worker’s son, daughter, or wife are the only dependents that are eligible for the worker’s education support programme. The benefits would only be available to a maximum of two people per household. For central, from the sixth grade on up to postgraduate studies. Alternately, the recipient has to be enrolled full-time in an official state-recognised private school or college. A passing grade or score of at least 75 percent on all examinations taken from the eighth to the twelfth standard is required. To be eligible for the scholarship, the maximum age limit for the labourer’s wife is set at 35 years old.

Construction worker accessible housing scheme

One year’s worth of continuous shramik card as a beneficiary with the board is a prerequisite for participation. In the event that both the husband and the wife are qualified to enjoy the advantages of the programme, then the grant would be awarded to the same house. If the applicant has already registered under a scheme in his or her name, then that person is not qualified to get the advantages of this programme. Both the man and the woman have an equal stake in the ownership of the voice, and can avail the benefits only once.

Reimbursement of expenditure on critical illnesses for construction workers

If a construction worker has a valid identification card and is registered as a beneficiary in the board in accordance with section 12 of the Act, then they qualify to receive the benefits of this plan. The workers who have participated in the fund of the board for at least one year as either a contributor or a beneficiary are entitled to receive the benefits of this scheme. In addition, those workers who’ve already contributed to the fund for at least one year are also eligible.

Maternity assistance scheme

The advantages of this plan can only be obtained via the participation of institutions in its implementation. Monthly subscription payment into the fund is a criteria for eligibility. The benefits of this programme can only be availed twice. In the event that you already have two or more children at the time of registration, you will not be eligible for assistance. In the event there is an establishment prior to registration, just one offering help. The female applicant shouldn’t be younger than 20 during birth. Section 13 of the Constitution should be used to register women.

Scheme for reimbursement of expenditure on a visa to construction workers for employment abroad

Employees registered with the board and contributing regularly are eligible for this one-time benefit. The advantage of participating in this programme would not be available until the recipient has included the building and any other construction activity in their long-term strategy. Only individuals whose passports still have at least six months left on their validity and who have valid VISAs are eligible. It is important to have either active permission from the POE office or registration with the recruitment agency in accordance with the Migrant Act. In accordance with the Migrant Act of 1983, it is essential to provide permission to the department of the Protector of Emigrants to carry out their duties.

Incentive Scheme for Construction Workers International Sports Competition

Only employees who are registered with the board and maintain a steady contribution rate will be eligible to receive these benefits. The worker’s unmarried daughter or son is also eligible to benefit from this plan. The provision of benefits for online gambling is not going to be included in this plan.

Preliminary scheme organised for Indian/Rajasthan Administrative Service by construction workers and their dependent children

The only workers who are eligible to receive the one-time benefits of this programme are those who maintain their shramik card registration with the Contributing Board. The parents’ annual income should be lower than or equal to 250,000. This plan will only be available to those individuals who are already employed in some capacity within the public sector. In the event that an individual passes the preparatory examination for the administrative service of any state apart from Rajasthan, they would not be eligible for the benefits of this plan.

Interest recharge scheme on a business loan for construction workers

The construction employees must be registered with the board and contribute regularly. The application forms for commercialization might be referred by the committee to the commercial bank for taking any action as per guidelines. A loan from a bank or other financial institution equivalent to ₹ 5,00,000. This plan cannot be accessed for the acquisition of a store, land, car or household items. To benefit from this programme, it is essential to pay interest each year by the commercial bank.

Scheme for reimbursement of tuition fees if the sons and daughters of construction workers get admission to the highest educational institutions

For this programme, the recipient must be registered with the board and make consistent contributions. It is expected that the worker’s offspring will have competed and succeeded in the admission process for the most prestigious educational establishment possible, and the tuition fee deposit should have been made. The annual income of both parents should not be more than 2,50,000 each year.

Assistance scheme in case of general or accidental death or injury

It is required that applicants be somewhere between 18 and 60 years old. The applicant should be registered within the division in accordance with section 12. The contribution should be deposited consistently and regularly by the applicant. This scheme is socially for the labourers of workers who work in certain dangerous environments and face injury anytime. 

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Shramik Card Rajasthan 2022 (Eligibility): Documents required 

The applicant has to demonstrate that they have been living in the state of Rajasthan for an extended period of time.

Registered construction workers are eligible to get the following identification cards: 

Read about : SSO ID Rajasthan 

Schemes available through labour card and their benefits

Beneficiaries of the Rajasthan Labor Card can participate in a number of government programmes, including the Labor Education Skill Scheme, the Construction Workers Accessibility and Housing Scheme, the Maternity Assistance Scheme, the Labor Life, Future Protection Scheme, the Shubhshakti Yojana, the Construction Workers Health and Insurance Scheme, and the Construction Expenditure on Serious Diseases for Workers.

Construction Workers Education and Skill Development Scheme

Children of beneficiaries with a majdur card are eligible for scholarships ranging from Rs 8,000 to Rs 25,000 per year.

Construction Workers Jeevan and Bhavishya Suraksha Yojana

For the applicant to benefit from this plan, they will need to purchase insurance coverage. In this plan, you are required to make a deposit, but the administration would cover the cost of your premium.

Maternity Assistance Scheme

In this, the beneficiary female labour receives an additional Rs 21,000 for the delivery of a girl, whereas Rs 20,000 is awarded upon the birth of a son.

Shubhshakti Yojana

Beneficiary employees, unmarried women, and daughters of registered labour households in the state would each receive financial support of Rs 55,000 from the state government.

Assistance Scheme for Silicosis Suffering Beneficiaries

Beneficiaries of this programme are eligible to get financial help ranging from Rs 1 to Rs 3 lakhs. The construction employees already enrolled in the circle as beneficiaries would be eligible for this plan.


Rajasthan Shramik Card 2022 benefits 

The Mazdoor Card Scheme was initiated by the Rajasthan government for providing the benefits of all other programmes of the government to the labourers in the state. This majdur card programme is exclusive to the workers of the state.

Through this labour card, all schemes by the state government are accessible, such as the Maternity Assistance Scheme, the Shubh Shakti Yojana, the Construction Workers Education and Skill Development Scheme, the Labour Life and Future Security Scheme, the Construction Workers Accessible and Housing Scheme, the Construction Workers Health and Insurance Scheme, and labourers could reimbursement schemes for expenditures on deadly illnesses and assistance schemes for silicosis.

In order for the applicant to be eligible for the benefits of the Rajasthan Shramik Labour Card Scheme, they will need to register for a Shramik Card Rajasthan by completing the application form. If you have a majdur card and are registered for the food security plan, then you are eligible to get 2 rupees for each kilogram of wheat that you purchase. 


How to apply for Shramik Card Rajasthan 2022 Offline?

Recipients of the state who are interested in applying offline can do so at the office of the Labour Department. Following your visit to the office, you will need to collect the application form there, fill it out completely with the requested information and attach all the relevant papers.

Following that, you will be required to complete the identical application form. Your application that you started offline will be finished when you do this.


Shramik Card Online Registration Rajasthan


How to register under the schemes launched for the workers?


Labour card list

The state labourers who have applied to avail their Labour Cards can view the compiled list of majdur cards. People whose names are found on this list will receive Labour Cards from the state government. Recipients of the state who are interested in viewing the information included on their majdur cards or Labour Cards can do it online by going to the official website of the Public Information Portal.


How to check the Shramik Card Rajasthan List (Details)?



Details of Majdur card holders of your region


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How to file a grievance? 




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Rajasthan Shramik Card Scheme Helpline Number

Citizens can contact on the Labour Card Scholarship Helpline Number: 0141-2450793

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