Rent property in the heart of Pune city. An amount of Rs levied as security charges is applicable. This property is available for rent in . Affordable rental property available in Baner, check out now. There is a lock-in period of 30 days months. This property is ready to move in and is equipped with all basic amenities such as washing machine, fridge, water purifier, etc. Contact for more information. 24-hour None available with this rented property. It is a gated community and has provision for four wheeler, etc. The housing project has 24/7 cctv surveilance. available for personal use. Nominal fee for using . World-class hospital, that is Jupiter Hospital, Benecare Mother & Child Super Specialty Hospital, Baner, Pune, Ashwini Hospital is just 10 minutes away from this property. Very close to English-medium, convent school, .Collapse...