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Lal Kuan is a residential, commercial, and industrial area to the east of Ghaziabad at the intersection of the Grand Trunk Road and the Delhi Meerut Expressway. Lal Kuan is almost ... Read More
The Delhi Meerut Road provides a Key link to both expres... more
There is Excellent Bus connectivity to neighbouring stat... more
Commercial viability of property in Lal Kuan due to loca... more
The Neighbourhood of Lal Kuan has good residential area... more
The Neighbourhood consists of mostly working and busines... more
What is good here
Bus connectivity good with buses to all locations and nearby... more
There are schools in Lal Kuan
There is movement till late in the night
What can be better
IIlegal parking on roads to be stopped by administration
More international Schools to be opened in Lal Kuan as more ... more
Street lights to be immediately replaced after getting damag... more