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Borivali West is a well-developed residential area located in the northern part of Mumbai. It caters to the upper-mid segment and is conveniently located along Mumbai's Suburban Ra... Read More
Metro Line between Dahisar West and DN Nagar will have s... more
Harbour Line will be extented till Borivali West to ease... more
New offices are coming up in the nearby employment and I... more
Several popular projects are upcoming such as Sumit Gard... more
A premium project in the locality is Chandak Harmony
What is good here
There are BEST buses running regularly in the area - 301,469... more
The Orchids International School is rated as on the best sch... more
Borivali West is a busy area with an active night life with ... more
What can be better
The buses and trains get overcrowded during peak hours
Only some parts of the area at Borivali West have been repor... more
Hygiene can be an issue in some areas of Borivali West