The brand "HIGHLAND" over the last few years has firmly etched its name in Real Estate by creating great landmarks & thus ushered urbanization in Thane City. Inheriting enormous goodwill from its parent company "SIDDHI Group" founded by its promoters who have had a vast number of success stories to their credit in property development over the past 3 decades. HIGHLAND till date has been enormously successful in fulfilling the dream homes for numerous families in prime locations & has achieved phenomenal success in building lifestyle spaces to developing huge projects matching international standards. Envisioning and Planning state of the art infrastructure and completing the same before the occupancy of any project is our Hallmark. The Promoters of Siddhi Group, over the last 3 decades, have contributed significantly to the urbanization of suburbs in Mumbai. The company has firmly etched its name in the construction industry by creating landmark projects, providing to its customers state of the art amenities at an affordable cost. Primarily focusing on residential and commercial developments, the group has also diversified in to infrastructure and hospitality sectors. With future inclination towards township development, the company aims at turning remote suburbs in to major residential hubs and commercial hotspots.