Lipstick plant uses, benefits, types and plant care tips

Also known as the “beauty plant,” lipstick plant is used for cosmetic purposes such as lipstick.

The lipstick plant is a succulent, and it grows in the desert. It is sometimes called the “beauty plant,” and its main use is for cosmetic purposes such as lipstick. 

see also: Everything that you need to know about potted plants

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The lipstick plant is a type of epiphyte, which means it’s a plant that grows on other plants. It can grow as a herb, shrub or tree, depending on the variety. The plant’s leaves are green and resemble a red berry or cherry. The plant’s leaves may be variegated with white, pink and yellow stripes. The lipstick plant is also a popular houseplant. Learn how to plant and care here.

The lipstick plant has a short stem with a few leaves on top. The leaves are green and have long spines on them that help support the plant in windy conditions. The flowers are pink and can be seen from a distance because they are so large. 

These flowers attract bees that pollinate them and help spread the seeds across the ground. The seeds will germinate after about two weeks if they are left in the ground for this time frame, but some people prefer to store them in water bottles or other containers to help prevent root rot during storage.

Lipstick plant: Quick facts

Plant Name Lipstick Plant
Genus  Aeschynanthus
Botanical Name Aeschynanthus
Family  Gesneriaceae
Life Cycle Annual
Mature Size Upto 3 Ft Tall
Cultivation  Asia
Benefits Air Purifier, Ornamental Plant 


Lipstick plant features

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  • Lipstick plants are slow growing and are not considered invasive in most climates. They prefer bright light but will tolerate partial shade as well.
  • The lipstick plant needs plenty of water to survive but does not need fertiliser or any special care other than regular watering.
  • Lipstick plants are popular indoor plants. These plants are non-toxic and can be used as part of a terrarium, in a window box, or in your houseplant collection.
  • The lipstick plant is native to tropical areas such as Africa, Indonesia, Madagascar and Brazil. It is also grown in warm temperate regions such as India, China and Japan.


Lipstick plant types

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In light of the lipstick plant’s popularity, it should come as no surprise that several cultivars have been created. Some of the types of lipstick plants are:

  • Aeschynanthus radicans: Due to its wavy leaves, this cultivar stands out from the crowd.  It is known for its orange-red flowers, which differ from the vivid red of the traditional lipstick plant.  This cultivar has green leaves with yellow, white, or cream shades mixed in too.
  • Tangerine: This cultivar features bright yellow-orange flowers.
  • Rasta: The thick, curly leaves of this variety tend to be covered in bright red flowers in the late summer and early fall.


Lipstick plant care

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  • Lipstick plants thrive best when they have plenty of light and air circulation. 
  • They need bright light but are also able to tolerate low light levels as long as there is enough sunlight for photosynthesis (how plants convert light into energy). 
  • Their soil should be well-drained so that any excess water can drain away quickly. 
  • You should fertilise your lipstick plant lightly every month (or according to package instructions) to keep it looking its best throughout the year.

How to plant lipstick plant 

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Lipstick plants are ideal for indoor growing, and they can be grown in a variety of media. The best way to grow lipstick plants, however, is with a soil mixture that’s rich in organic matter. If you’re unsure about what to use for your soil, here is a quick guide on how to plant lipstick plants:


  • Use a soil mix that’s rich in organic matter and high in nitrogen content. You can use compost or manure as the base ingredient of your soil mix, but avoid using chemical fertilisers and pesticides when growing lipstick plants.


  • Plant lipstick plant seeds directly in their final location or space. Space them about eight inches apart from each other and make sure there’s enough room for them to grow into full-sized plants before they bloom into flowers. Use a pot that’s large enough to allow the plant to grow without crowding.


  • Water regularly throughout the growing season (once every two weeks during most parts of the year). Watering regularly helps prevent transplant shock by keeping the roots moist enough to stay alive while they’re transplanted into their final locations or spaces.

Tips for growing lipstick plants

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Planting lipstick plants is easy, but there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, make sure you have the right kind of soil for the plant. If you don’t, it will be hard for it to grow and survive. Use a rich potting soil with lots of compost and nutrients added to it.

Second, don’t fertilise for more than two weeks after planting. Fertilisers can cause the roots to rot, making your plant useless. Instead, give it some water every day during this time period so that it can get used to its new home and start growing strong roots.

Finally, make sure that the water doesn’t get too hot or too cold. You want the soil around your plant to stay between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit at all times.


Is lipstick plant an indoor plant?

Lipstick plant is widely grown as a popular indoor houseplant as the flowering plant is known for its attractive flowers and glossy foliage. As the plant needs indirect sunlight, it is best to place them indoors When growing potted lipstick plant, use a growing medium which is moist and well-aerated.


Where do I put my lipstick plant at home?

If you are keeping the lipstick plant inside your living room or any other indoor area, make sure there is no direct sunlight as leaves may scorch, causing them to drop and lead to poor display of flowers. Make sure the area gets bright but filtered light. Do not place them close to windows as they may get direct sunlight. Also, when keeping lipstick plants indoors, make sure the area has humidity high levels. You may also opt for humidifiers for plants.


Are lipstick plants easy to care for?

Lipstick plants can be a great choice if you are looking for houseplants for your home as they are quite easy to care for. The main points you must consider when growing the plant is the optimum lighting and moisture levels for the plant to grow well.


Is a lipstick plant poisonous?

Lipstick plants are not considered toxic for pets or humans. So, you can grow this plant in the garden as it is non-toxic and safe.



How easy is it to care for a lipstick plant?

Their tropical appearance notwithstanding, lipstick plants are relatively easy to care for despite their impressive appearance

Is it possible to grow lipstick plants outside?

Lipstick plants grow equally well indoors and outdoors, provided the temperatures are warm enough.

Why is light important for lipstick plants?

Without adequate light, the Aeschynanthus lipstick vine won't bloom.

What is the lifespan of a lipstick plant?

When grown in ideal light conditions and moist soil, lipstick plant flowers can last for around three weeks.

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