20 door painting ideas

Pretty doors make entrance to any space a vibe.

Doors are the first thing anyone notices about your home and painting them can add a personal touch and enhance your house’s overall aesthetic appeal. Whether it’s your front door, interior door, or cabinet door, a splash of colour or a unique design can make a world of difference. This article will provide you with 20 innovative door painting ideas and some handy maintenance tips to keep your painted doors looking fresh and vibrant.


See also: Door decoration ideas


20 door painting ideas

Bold black

A black door can give your home an elegant and modern look. It’s also a versatile colour that can complement any wall paint colour.

Classic white

A white door is timeless and can give your home a clean and minimalist look.

Pastel colours

Pastel colours like soft blues, pinks, or greens can add a whimsical and charming touch to your home décor.

Bright yellow

A bright yellow door can add a pop of colour and cheerfulness to your home.

Cool blue

A blue door can range from a serene sky blue to a deep navy blue, each shade providing a different aesthetic appeal.

Natural wood

Instead of painting, consider staining your door to enhance the natural wood grain. This can give your home a warm and rustic feel.

Dual tones

Consider painting your door with two contrasting colours for a unique and eye-catching look.

Chalkboard paint

A door painted with chalkboard paint can be a fun addition to a kid’s room or even a kitchen, serving as a place to jot down reminders or grocery lists.


Painting stripes on your door can add visual interest and a dynamic look.


Use stencils to paint intricate designs or patterns on your door.

Metallic finish

Consider using metallic paint for a luxurious and sophisticated look.


If you’re artistically inclined, consider painting a mural on your door.

Colour blocking

Paint each door panel a different colour for a unique and modern look.

Neon colours

Neon colours can give your home a quirky and youthful vibe.

Weathered look

Use paint to create a weathered or distressed look for a vintage feel.

Polka dots

Polka dots can add a playful touch to a child’s bedroom door.


Paint your family’s monogram or house number on your front door for a personalised touch.

Textured paint

Textured paint can add depth and interest to your doors.

Glossy finish

A high-gloss paint finish can give your door a sleek and polished look.

Rustic reds

Rustic reds can give your doors an earthy, welcoming feel.


Maintenance tips

Regular cleaning

Wipe down your painted doors regularly to prevent the accumulation of dust and grime.


Keep some leftover paint for touch-ups in case there are chips or scratches.

Use the right paint

Use exterior paint for outdoor doors and durable, easy-to-clean paint for interior doors.

Protect the paint

Apply a coat of clear varnish to protect the paint from UV rays and weather conditions.

Prevent sticking

To prevent painted doors from sticking, make sure to let the paint dry completely before closing them.

Proper preparation

Properly prep your doors before painting by cleaning, sanding and priming them. This will ensure a smooth paint job and prolong the life of the paint.

Regular inspection

Regularly inspect your doors for any signs of wear and tear and address any issues promptly to keep your doors looking their best.

Painting your doors can be a fun and cost-effective way to enhance your home’s aesthetic appeal. By incorporating some creativity, you have the opportunity to turn your doors into attractive design features that showcase your individual style. Remember, proper maintenance is key to ensuring your painted doors continue to look stunning and vibrant for years to come.



What type of paint should I use for my doors?

It depends on the location and type of door. Use exterior paint for outdoor doors and durable, easy-to-clean paint for interior doors.

How often should I repaint my doors?

This depends on the wear and tear your door experiences, but generally, doors should be repainted every 2-5 years.

How can I clean my painted doors?

Use a soft cloth or sponge and a mild detergent to gently clean your painted doors. Avoid using harsh chemicals, which can damage the paint.

What should I do if my painted door is chipped or scratched?

Small chips or scratches can be fixed with a bit of leftover paint. For larger damage, you might need to sand and repaint the entire door.

Should I paint my door myself or hire a professional?

If you're confident in your painting skills, you can definitely paint your door yourself. However, for more complex designs or if you want a flawless finish, you might want to consider hiring a professional.

How can I protect my painted doors from UV rays and weather conditions?

Apply a coat of clear varnish over the paint. This will protect your door from UV rays and weather conditions.

How long should I wait before closing my painted door?

It's best to wait until the paint is completely dry before closing the door. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on the type of paint used.

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