Dracaena Fragrans: Know tips to grow and maintain

A popular houseplant, dracaena fragrans is also known as the ‘song of India’.

What is corn plant?

Corn plant, also commonly known as dracaena fragrans, is a popular houseplant with origins in Madagascar and other Indian Ocean islands. Dracaena fragrans is also known as stripped dracaena, corn plant, compact dracaena, or the song of India. While dracaena fragrans looks beautiful, it is also easy to maintain, as it can survive any indoor conditions be it dim light or bright light. Dracaena fragrans gives red resin through its stem, which was used as an ingredient in medicines, dyes and toothpastes. Even today, the gum-like resin of dracaena fragrans is used for photoengraving and varnish. Dracaena fragrans plant, which is grown outdoors, gives flowers around three times in a year, while the ones grown inside flower far less. The lucky bamboo plant (Dracaena) is a low-maintenance plant available in different sizes.

Low maintenance indoor plant : Dracaena fragrans

  • Sunlight: Dracaena fragrans plant is an ornamental plant. Hence, it should not be kept in direct sunlight, as the leaves of the plant may get burnt. Place it where the sunlight is dim or the effect of sunlight can be masked by curtains, etc.
  • Water: Unlike most indoor plants, Dracaena fragrans does not need much water. It is good to moist the leaves of the plant and soil in which it is planted. Water the dracaena fragrans plant when the top layer of the soil becomes dry. As they are not water loving, do not over water it as its roots may rot. Note, high fluoride presence in water may affect its growth, so dracaena fragrans should be given filtered water. If dracaena fragrans leaves start to yellow or droop, it means the plant is over watered.  Some plants to attempt are crotons, dumb canes, dracaenas, rubber plants, Norfolk Island pines, Scheffleras, azaleas, magnolias, roses, and Oregon grape hollies.

 See also: Gardening ideas and tips for beginners

How to grow dracaena fragrans plant from seeds?

  • Soak the dracaena fragrans seeds in water for a few days.
  • Take a pot with holes at the bottom, so that water can drain out easily. Add good quality, nutrient-rich soil for healthy growth of the dracaena fragrans plant.
  • Sow the soaked seeds deep into the soil. Water the topmost soil evenly.
  • Leave the pot in dim light for growth.
  • Ensure there is not too much water as it can decay the roots and the plant will eventually die.


Dracaena fragrans: Feng Shui

Dracaena Fragrans plant brings good luck. You can place dracaena fragrans anywhere in your house, be it in the living room, or bedroom or your office. It is believed to bring good luck.

Use of Dracaena lemon lime

A cultivator of Dracaena fragrans, Dracaena lemon lime is an easy to care desk plant that helps in purifying the air, mitigating stress and spreading a happy environment.

See also: 10 beneficial Feng Shui plants for your home


What is the lifespan of dracaena fragrans plant?

The lifespan of dracaena fragrans plant is approximately two years.

Is it good to water dracaena fragrans plant regularly?

Dracaena fragrans plants should not be watered regularly as they require less water. You can keep the soil moist.

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