How to use Feng Shui principles to buy a house

House hunting is more than just physical structure.

The search for a new home is an aspirational journey and for those who follow Feng Shui principles, it becomes a quest for balance, harmony and positive energy. Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese philosophy-based art of arranging the environment to improve the flow of energy or “qi.” Feng Shui principles, when applied to house hunting, provide a unique perspective that goes beyond conventional considerations. This guide delves into the ancient practice and explores key Feng Shui tips for those looking for not just a house but a harmonious haven.


See also: Feng shui flying star chart


Understanding the fundamentals

Before beginning the house-hunting process, it is critical to understand the fundamental principles of Feng Shui. The concept of qi, the life force energy that flows through spaces, is central to this philosophy. A harmonious home is one in which positive energy and balance can flow freely. The placement of doors and windows, as well as the overall layout of a house, all contribute to the flow of qi.


Importance of front door 

The front door is considered the mouth of qi in Feng Shui, where energy enters the home. When looking for a home, consider the design and condition of the front door. A welcoming and well-kept entrance attracts positive energy. Avoid homes in which the front door is directly aligned with a back door or large window, as this may result in energy loss.


Natural light and positive energy

Natural light is an important aspect of Feng Shui because it represents the flow of positive energy. When looking at potential homes, pay attention to the amount of natural light in each room. Homes with lots of natural light are believed to have a more vibrant and upbeat atmosphere. Consider the orientation of your windows to reap the benefits of specific compass directions, as each is associated with different elements and energies in Feng Shui.


Layout and flow of qi

A balanced and flowing layout is essential for a harmonious home. Homes with irregular shapes, sharp corners, or cramped spaces should be avoided because they can disrupt the smooth flow of energy. Feng Shui favours open layouts that allow qi to freely circulate. To ensure a comfortable and balanced energy flow, consider the placement of rooms and the overall structure of the house.


Bedroom placement 

Bedrooms are important in Feng Shui because they are considered places of rest and rejuvenation. Pay attention to the location and orientation of bedrooms when inspecting potential homes. Bedrooms should ideally be located in quiet areas with minimal disturbance. Avoid homes with bedrooms above garages, near busy streets, or close to bathrooms, as these placements may disturb the tranquillity of the space.


External energy flow

The external environment is very important in Feng Shui. Examine the surrounding landscape, considering factors such as the presence of hills, bodies of water and overall topography. Homes on higher ground with a clear view of the surroundings are often preferred because they are thought to attract positive energy. Keep an eye out for potential environmental hazards, such as sharp slopes or structures that could disrupt the flow of qi.


Colour theory 

The colours and materials used in the construction and decoration of a home can have a big impact on its Feng Shui. Consider the dominant colours in various rooms and whether they correspond to the desired energies for those spaces. Feng Shui favours natural materials such as wood, stone and bamboo for their grounding and harmonising properties.


Historical significance 

The history of a home and its previous occupants can influence its energy in Feng Shui. Investigate the property’s history, including any significant events or changes that may have occurred. Homes with a positive and harmonious history are thought to carry beneficial energy, whereas homes with a history of conflicts or unfortunate events may necessitate additional Feng Shui remedies.


How to integrate Feng Shui principles in house hunting?

Integrating Feng Shui principles into the intricate dance of house hunting adds a layer of intentionality, transforming the search for a new home into a quest for harmonious living. Each element is woven into the fabric of creating a space that resonates with positive energy, from the orientation of the front door to the quality of natural light. As people set out to find their ideal home, the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui serves as a guiding light, providing insights into the subtle energies that shape our living spaces. Finally, the fusion of modern practicality and timeless Feng Shui wisdom creates a sanctuary—a place where balance, tranquillity and positive energy converge, laying the groundwork for a harmonious and fulfilling life journey within the walls of a carefully chosen home.



Can Feng Shui principles be applied to any type of home?

Yes, Feng Shui principles can be applied to various types of homes, including apartments, houses and condominiums. The key is to adapt the principles to the specific layout and characteristics of the property.

Do I need to consult a Feng Shui expert when buying a house?

While consulting a Feng Shui expert can provide personalised insights, it's not a requirement. Many individuals incorporate basic Feng Shui principles into their house-hunting process independently. However, for those seeking a more in-depth analysis, consulting an expert can offer valuable guidance.

Are there specific Feng Shui remedies for homes with challenging layouts?

Yes, Feng Shui offers various remedies for homes with challenging layouts. These may include the strategic placement of mirrors, the use of specific colours or elements and the incorporation of Feng Shui cures such as crystals or plants to balance the energy.

Can I apply Feng Shui principles if I'm renovating a home?

Yes, Feng Shui principles can be applied during home renovations. Considerations include the arrangement of rooms, the choice of colours and materials and the incorporation of Feng Shui-friendly design elements. Consulting a Feng Shui expert during the renovation process can provide tailored recommendations.

Are there specific Feng Shui considerations for homes in urban environments?

Yes, Feng Shui principles can be applied to homes in urban environments. While the surrounding landscape may differ from rural settings, the focus remains on creating a harmonious and balanced energy flow within the home. Pay attention to factors such as building orientation, external structures and the quality of natural light.

How long does it take for Feng Shui principles to have an impact on a home's energy?

The impact of Feng Shui principles on a home's energy can vary. Some individuals may experience positive changes relatively quickly, while others may observe gradual shifts over time. Consistency in applying Feng Shui principles and maintaining a harmonious environment contributes to long-term positive energy flow.

Can Feng Shui principles help in selling a home or attracting positive opportunities?

Feng Shui principles are often applied not only when buying a home but also when selling one. Creating a harmonious and inviting environment is believed to attract positive energy and opportunities. Simple adjustments, such as enhancing curb appeal, decluttering and creating a welcoming entrance, can contribute to a positive first impression for potential buyers.

How does Feng Shui view the concept of clutter and what remedies are suggested?

Feng Shui views clutter as stagnant energy that can hinder the flow of qi. Clearing clutter is a common Feng Shui remedy to revitalise the energy in a space. Regular decluttering, organising and creating open spaces allow for the free movement of positive energy throughout the home, contributing to a sense of balance and well-being.

Can Feng Shui principles be applied to rental homes, or are they more suited for permanent residences?

Feng Shui principles can be applied to rental homes as well. While permanent structural changes may not be feasible in a rental, adjustments such as furniture placement, colour choices and decor selections can still contribute to a harmonious living environment. Adaptations can be made to align with the principles of Feng Shui, regardless of whether the dwelling is owned or rented.

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