How to elevate your home decor with art pieces

Use art to make your home aesthetics stand out even more.

Art has the power to transform a simple room into a captivating space. It breathes life into walls, sparks conversation and reflects your unique style. But with so many artistic options available, incorporating art into your home decor can feel overwhelming. In this article learn about 5 key tips that will help you


See also: Home decor ideas for people who love poetry and art


Choose art you love

This might seem obvious, but it’s the most important principle. Your home is a sanctuary, and the art within should speak to you. Do you find yourself drawn to bold abstracts or calming landscapes?

There’s no right or wrong answer. Prioritise pieces that evoke emotions, ignite your curiosity or simply make you smile.

home decor with art pieces


Consider scale and placement

Once you’ve found an inspiring piece, think about how it will interact with your space. A large, statement artwork can become the focal point of a room, anchoring furniture and guiding the eye.

For smaller areas, consider a gallery wall. This involves arranging a collection of smaller pieces – photographs, prints or framed textiles – to create a cohesive and visually interesting display. Play with size, colour and frame styles for a dynamic look.

Remember, proper placement is key.

home decor with art pieces


Mix and match styles

Gone are the days of rigidly matching every element in your decor. Modern design encourages a curated look, where diverse pieces come together to tell a unique story.

Don’t be afraid to combine a classic oil painting with a contemporary sculpture or a minimalist print with a vintage textile hanging.

This approach allows you to showcase your personality and create a space that feels truly individual.

home decor with art pieces


Let art guide your colour scheme

Art can be a powerful tool for establishing a colour palette in your space. Consider the dominant hues in your chosen artwork and use them to inform your furniture selection, throw pillows or even paint colours on accent walls.

For example, a vibrant abstract with pops of yellow and blue might inspire a coastal-themed room with crisp white furniture and nautical accents. 

home decor with art pieces


Think beyond traditional canvases

Art isn’t limited to framed paintings and prints. Consider incorporating unique and unexpected pieces into your decor. Here are a few ideas:

  • Textiles: Woven tapestries, vintage rugs or even hand-painted fabrics can add depth, colour and cultural flair to your walls.
  • Sculptures: From sleek metal mobiles to quirky ceramic figurines, sculptures add a three-dimensional element and spark conversation.
  • Mirrors: Strategically placed mirrors not only add visual interest but also create the illusion of a larger space, reflecting light and showcasing other art pieces.

home decor with art pieces


By embracing these tips, you can transform your home decor with art. Trust your own taste, experiment with different styles and let your art pieces tell a story that reflects your unique personality.


I love a particular artist, but their work is out of my budget. Are there affordable alternatives?

Absolutely. Here are some options: you can get high quality prints, explore local talents and at the same time DIY art to cut down on cost.

My walls are quite bare. How many pieces of art should I use?

There's no magic number, but consider the size of your wall and the overall impact you want to create. One large statement piece can hold its own, while a gallery wall allows you to showcase a collection.

How do I ensure my artwork complements my existing furniture?

Think about colour, style and scale. Look for pieces that share a colour palette with your furniture or accentuate its style (e.g., a modern abstract for a minimalist space). For scale, consider the size of your furniture. A large artwork can overpower small furniture, while a tiny piece might get lost on a vast wall behind a sofa.

What kind of lighting is best for showcasing artwork?

Avoid harsh overhead lighting that can create glare. Instead, opt for a combination of ambient and task lighting.

I rent my apartment. Are there ways to incorporate art without damaging walls?

Absolutely. You can display art on easels or use lightweight pieces that ensure no damage to your walls.

How can I use art to create a specific mood in a room?

Art plays a significant role in setting the ambiance of a space by providing a calming atmosphere, an energetic vibe or even a personal space. Opt for soft colours, natural landscapes or minimalist pieces. Choose bold colours, abstract patterns or pop art to create a stimulating environment. Decorate with pieces that reflect your hobbies, travels or favourite quotes to create a warm and welcoming space.

Where can I find inspiration for decorating with art?

You can look in art galleries, design magazines and the most easily available social media sites for art decor inspiration.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at


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