How to avoid fraud while packing and moving?

Fraudulent activities are highly common during packing and moving.

Moving homes can be an exhausting process, both physically and mentally. In the process, hiring professional movers and packers is often preferred for a smooth shifting. Such professionals possess the required skills and expertise to ensure that your shifting process is hassle free. However, one can never eliminate the risk of fraud. Missing items is very easy in a situation where the moving of a large number of items are involved. In this article, we will discuss some tips to avoid such frauds during the process of moving and explore some remedies for such cases.

See also: Top packers and movers companies in India


Steps to avoid frauds while packing and moving

Agreed. Moving houses is an eventful situation and we have a lot going on around us during that time. But it is also necessary to keep out an eye for fraudulent activities when packers and movers are involved in the process. Here are a few simple measures you can take to keep such activities at bay:

Research moving companies

Conduct a thorough research before deciding on hiring a moving company. All reputable companies have a physical address and valid license. Check the available ratings and reviews on reliable online platforms and ask friends and family for recommendations and references of companies they have previously hired.

Get multiple quotes

Compare the prices and services by obtaining quotes from multiple companies and choose the one that fits your needs and budget the best. Keep an eye out for quotes that might be significantly lower than the average as it could be a potential red flag indicating fraudulent motives.

In-person estimate

It is a wise decision to choose a moving company offering an in-person estimate. This ensures greater accuracy and convenience, and reduces the chances of the surfacing of some last moment hidden charges.

Check for licensing and insurance

Make sure to verify that the moving company is licensed and insured. Ask for the relevant registration documents. This becomes especially important in case of interstate moves. Ensuring that the vehicles being used have interstate permits is absolutely necessary.

Beware of upfront payments

In case you are asked to pay the lump sum in advance or an unusually large upfront deposit, it might be a warning sign. Moving companies generally request payment only after the completion of the delivery.

Read the contract carefully

Go through the contract carefully and ensure that all the details are stated explicitly and clearly. Services, fees and conditions should be mentioned on the contract. Refrain from signing in case of discrepancies and make sure to get them promptly resolved.

Inventory list

The moving company should provide a detailed list of your belongings before and after the move. Checking the items against the list provided can help identify any items that were displaced during the moving process.

Avoid cash payments

Cash payments are often difficult to trace. Avoid making payments for the services provided by the moving company in cash. It is advisable to use more traceable and secure payment methods.

Watch out for warning signs

Unmarked trucks, generic uniforms or inexperienced staff might be red flags. Legitimate moving companies have a professional appearance and outlook towards the job.

Research complaints

Go through online reviews to understand other people’s experiences of hiring the company. In case of negative reviews, try to identify the nature of the problem in order to avoid it in your case. You can easily find such reviews on Google or over websites like Justdial.

Protect personal information

In case of online communication, make sure to not give away personal information to unknown entities. This information might be used by scammers for identity theft or other fraudulent activities.


What to do in case of fraud?

Should you suspect unethical or fraudulent activity during the process, it is essential to address the situation as soon as possible. Here are some steps you can take:

Document everything

A detailed record of all interactions in the form of emails, contracts, quotes and other communication will come handy while reporting. Do not forget to take photos and videos of your belongings before and after the move to check and compare.

Contact the moving company

In case of complaints, reach out to the moving company immediately to discuss your concerns. Explain the specific details involved clearly and request prompt clarification and resolution.

Review the contract

Refer to the moving contract provided before beginning the shifting process and make notes of discrepancies and violations. In case you notice the failure of the company to fulfill its contractual obligations, immediately bring it to their attention and seek clarification.

File a complaint

If the company is unresponsive or unwilling to address the issue, you can file a complaint with the relevant authorities. An FIR with the police in case of theft is advisable. Additionally, you can approach the consumer court in case of heavy financial losses.

Check with consumer protection agencies

Report the fraud to consumer protection agencies in your area. This can help you obtain the appropriate guidance required on how to approach the case further.

Contact your bank or credit card company

If you have used your credit card to make the payment, promptly get in touch with the company to dispute the charges. Explain to them the situation and provide the relevant information and documentation to prove your point.

Seek legal advice

Consult a legal counsel for better understanding of your rights and exploring potential legal trajectories of approaching the problem. Professionals can provide the required guidance on the grounds for a lawsuit and the pursuit of restitution.

Leave reviews

Share your experience in the form of reviews on online platforms, websites and social media. Not only does this warn others potential customers against the company, but also puts pressure on the company to address the issue.



How can I identify potential fraud when hiring packers and movers?

Unusually low quotes, lack of physical address and proper licensing, unmarked trucks and negative online reviews are some warning signs you should look out for.

What should I do if the company demands a large upfront payment?

Generally, moving companies request payment only after the completion of the delivery and upfront payments should be seen as a red flag.

What steps can I take to protect myself from fraudulent contracts?

Read the contract carefully and ensure that all the terms are clearly stated. Do not sign in case of discrepancies and get them resolved as soon as possible.

How do I verify the legitimacy of a moving company?

Check for a valid license, insurance and physical address and seek reviews from reliable platforms and sources to check the legitimacy of the company.

What should I do if items go missing during the move?

Maintain a list of inventory before and after the move and report it to the moving company immediately if items go missing. It is advisable to substantiate the claim using photo or video evidence.

Can I dispute charges if I suspect fraud after the move?

If you have paid by card, contact your bank or card company to provide them with the documentation and details of fraudulent activity.

What if the moving company is unresponsive?

Consider raising the issue to the relevant authorities such as consumer courts for redressal if the company is unresponsive.

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