How to check Patta transfer application status online?

Tamil Nadu government’s official portal allows citizens to apply for Patta transfer online. The portal also enables one to check patta transfer application status. Check out this guide.

When selling or purchasing property in Tamil Nadu, one must know the many processes and legal requirements, including the Patta transfer application. 

The government of Tamil Nadu issues a document called a Patta Chitta. This document is used to prove the legal claim of a property owner on the asset. Precisely, a Patta Chitta is a land certificate that contains all of the essential information about the property. This facilitates the hassle-free buying and selling of real estate by reducing the likelihood of legal disputes and erroneous transactions. The Patta Chitta is kept up to date by the Tahsildar of each district, and it is possible to get a copy of it either through the office of the Taluk or online.


What is Patta?

Farmers in Tamil Nadu are required to have a legal document called a Patta. The fact that it includes all of the key information relating to the land makes it an important document for a farmer.

See also: Patta Chitta: How to Apply TamilNadu TN Land Records Online


What is Chitta?

The record regarding land income, known as the Chitta, is kept up to date by the Taluk office and the Village Administrative Officer (VAO). Along with complete information on a piece of property or agricultural land, it contains the name of the person who owns the land. The ownership, dimensions, and total area of the property are all included in this description. Chitta is also used to determine if a certain area of land is a nanjai (wetland) or a punjai (dry land).


What is Patta Chitta?

Following the consolidation of Patta and Chitta documents into a single set in 2015, the state government created an online platform known as the Tamil Nadu Patta Chitta Land Records to provide digitised access to the land records for all residents. This website may be accessed in English and Tamil if that is more convenient for you.


The significance of the Patta

A patta is a legal document that can demonstrate that a person has the rightful title to a certain parcel of land. This document is essential if there is a disagreement over land ownership between the landholder and the government or any third-party landowner. If the government purchases the property, the landowner is entitled to monetary compensation. When selling a property, a vital document called an online Patta Chitta is required. In the case of undeveloped land plots, it lays the groundwork for establishing legal ownership over the property.


Details included in a Patta Chitta document

The following details are found in a Patta Chitta document:

  • Owner’s name 
  • Patta registration number
  • Name of the district, taluk, and village
  • Survey number and subdivision
  • Land area and tax details
  • Type of land – wetland or dry land
  • Chitta land ownership


Patta Chitta transfer: Things you need to know 

  • In the case that a landowner passes away without leaving a valid will, the landowner’s heirs at law are the ones who will have the Patta Chitta transferred into their names.
  • If there is a valid will, the legal heirs can have the Patta Chitta transferred into their names after engaging in mutual conversation following the legislation of succession.
  • If the property is sold, Patta Chitta will be changed to the name of the new owner. You are required to submit an application for the transfer of your Patta to the office of the relevant Tahsildar.
  • Tax receipts, a sale deed, an electricity bill, and an encumbrance certificate are some of the papers that may be necessary to submit an application for the transfer of a Patta Chitta. Applicants should include both photocopies and originals of these documents.
  • The reviewing department will decide whether to approve the transfer request after reviewing the supporting paperwork. This decision may either be positive or negative. The sole amount required for the transfer of Patta Chitta is Rs 100.


Steps to check Patta transfer application status

To check the progress of your online patta transfer, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Visit the official website. Click Here. 

  • Scroll down the home page to see the “Application Status” option. 

  • Click on the link, which will take you to a new page. 
  • Enter the application ID given to you when you applied for a patta online.

  • Type the authentication value and press the ‘Get Status’ button.
  • Now you may check the transfer status of your patta.



Is Patta the same as Chitta?

Yes. In 2015, the government of Tamil Nadu consolidated the Patta and Chitta into a single document called Patta Chitta. Now, Patta Chitta has all the relevant information on the area.

How can I verify my Tamil Nadu land Patta Chitta?

Checking the Patta Chitta online is possible via the Tamil Nadu Government's official land records website. This website allows for the viewing and verification of Patta Chitta.

How can I check the progress of my Patta transfer online?

Logging in to the e-District website will reveal the status of a Patta transfer. By entering the Application ID and the Captcha Value, the status of your Patta application may be seen.

How can my name be changed in Patta?

There is currently no online method for altering one's name in Patta. It must be completed offline by visiting the local Taluk or Village Administration Office and submitting the completed Patta Transfer Form along with the required documentation. With the revisions, the new Patta is typically provided within 15 to 20 days.

Is Patta registration necessary in Tamil Nadu?

Patta is the legal instrument that establishes ownership of land. If Patta is registered in a person's name, he or she is the area's legal landowner. The Tamil Nadu government is considering legalising Patta for land registration to strengthen the process's security and avoid fraud. Nevertheless, properties or lands in Tamil Nadu may presently be registered by submitting either the Patta document or the land's parent documentation.

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