How to choose home lighting ?

Lighting of homes is a make or breakpoint of home decor.

Lighting plays an integral role in setting the mood and functionality of our homes. The right lighting can turn a mundane room into a welcoming haven, highlight architectural details, and even improve our mood. With a myriad of options available, selecting the right lighting for your home can seem overwhelming. This article aims to demystify the process and provide illuminating options for your abode.


See also: What are the kitchen lighting to avoid?


Understanding the basics of home lighting

When planning your home’s lighting, it’s important to understand the three basic types of lighting: ambient, task, and accent. Ambient lighting, often called general lighting, provides the overall illumination of a room. Task lighting is focused on specific areas where work is done, such as a desk or kitchen counter. Accent lighting is used to highlight specific features or areas of a room, like artwork or architectural details.


Illumination options 

Natural light

Nothing beats the beauty and warmth of natural light. It’s the most accurate at rendering colour and can transform spaces in ways artificial light can’t. Consider how much natural light each room gets and plan your artificial lighting accordingly. For rooms that get a lot of daylight, consider installing dimmers to adjust the lighting as needed.

Ceiling lights

From chandeliers to recessed lighting, ceiling lights are a great way to provide ambient light. Ceiling lights are available in a diverse range of styles and sizes, catering to various decorative preferences. Ambient lighting offers general brightness, while task lighting targets particular spaces, and accent lighting draws attention to specific features. Chandeliers and pendant lights can add a dramatic focal point in a room, while recessed lighting can provide a clean, streamlined look.

Wall lights

Wall lights, such as sconces and wall lamps, can provide both ambient and accent lighting. They are perfect for adding a cosy, intimate feel to a room and are particularly effective at highlighting architectural features.

Table and floor lamps

Table and floor lamps are versatile lighting options that can provide both task and ambient light. They can be easily moved around to suit your changing needs and are a great way to inject style into a room.

LED lighting

LED lighting is a modern, energy-efficient option that is increasingly popular. It offers a wide range of colours and brightness levels, and can last up to 50,000 hours. LEDs are perfect for areas where lights are left on for long periods, like the living room or kitchen.

Smart lighting

Smart lighting systems allow you to control your home’s lighting from your smartphone or through a smart home system. You can adjust the brightness, colour, and even the direction of the light. Some systems also have features like scheduling and automation, which can help you save energy.


Important considerations 


Ensure the smart lighting system is compatible with your existing smart home devices. Some systems may require a specific hub or platform.

Choose energy-efficient bulbs

Opt for LED smart bulbs for better energy efficiency and longer life spans.

Plan your lighting needs

Before investing, plan your lighting needs. Consider where you want to use smart lighting and how you want to control it.


Secure your smart lighting system by following the manufacturer’s instructions for setting up user accounts and passwords. Regularly update your system to benefit from the latest security features.


Maintenance tips

Regular updates

Manufacturers often release software updates that can improve functionality and security. Ensure your smart lighting system is regularly updated.

Clean regularly

Dust and dirt can affect the brightness of your lights. Regularly clean your smart bulbs with a dry cloth.

Avoid overloading

Avoid connecting too many devices to one hub to prevent overloading and overheating.

Promptly replace failing bulbs

If a bulb is not responding or functioning correctly, try resetting it. If the problem persists, replace the bulb to prevent any issues with the overall system.

The right lighting can make a world of difference in the comfort, functionality, and aesthetics of your home. Remember to consider the purpose of each room, the amount of natural light available, and your personal style when choosing your home’s lighting. With a little planning, you can create a beautifully lit space that you’ll love coming home to.



What are the basic types of lighting?

There are three basic types of lighting: ambient, task, and accent. Ambient lighting provides overall illumination, task lighting is focused on specific areas, and accent lighting highlights specific features.

How can I use lighting to make a room feel bigger?

Using a mix of different light sources at different levels can create the illusion of space. Also, using mirrors can reflect light around the room, making it feel larger.

What is smart lighting?

Smart lighting systems allow you to control your home's lighting from your smartphone or through a smart home system. You can adjust the brightness, colour, and even the direction of the light.

What are the benefits of LED lighting?

LED lighting is energy-efficient, long-lasting, and offers a wide range of colours and brightness levels.

How can I use lighting to highlight artwork?

Accent lighting, such as track or picture lights, can be used to highlight artwork. The light should be angled to minimise glare and shadows.

What are the options for kitchen lighting?

A mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting works well in kitchens. Consider under-cabinet lights for task lighting, pendant lights for ambient light over a kitchen island, and accent lighting to highlight any features.

What is the importance of natural light?

Natural light can improve mood, enhance the beauty of a room, and even boost productivity. It's also the most accurate at rendering colours.


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